pepper spray sucks


turbo swimmer
Mar 2, 2003
so lastnight me and a few friends went to a small party, if you can call it that. i'll just cut to the chase. soem girl had a little thing of pepper spray on her keychain, my friend took it out and was playing with it, then he wanted to see how it smelled or something. (he just ate the worm out of a tequilla bottle) so he sprays the stuff across the room, we laugh and say its not bad go on talking... then it hits you. this stuff had us running for the door, its the worst stuff i could immagine. you see the guys on tv get hit with the stuff and they keep fighting. they have to be on something pretty strong to not feel that. i just breathed the air around it, i didnt' take it to the face. i'm amazed how potent that stuff is.

i think i found a new way to spice up a pot of chili.
In the police academy we got a 2 second burst straight in the eyes and then had to fight our way by a man holding a practice bag. It wasnt hard to fight as the water was on the other side. I have been tased and it is much better as it stops hurting as soon as its over. The pepper spray lingers. I was also sprayed on accident by another officer. Bad stuff.