Parting out 87 T moon roof Lots of pictures and TON's of extra Parts New/Used

What about the buick front emblem..
The one that moves arround infront of the car( dont kno what is it call)Pm your price n condition.. Thanx.
Wow I have the exact same t color and similar options shame to see one that's been left out for dead. That being said does the car have a good astro roof interior trim peice ??

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Wow I have the exact same t color and similar options shame to see one that's been left out for dead. That being said does the car have a good astro roof interior trim peice ??

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

Sorry hrad liner and trim were already missing.
Do you have and how much for the drive belt tensioner, possible picture?