Oh, General!! Why have you forsaken us??!!!!!!


Nov 11, 2002
It pains me to say this felllas. For years I have been a loyal member of the General's army. Fbody's and Gbody's alike were piloted by me many times to thwart the evil japanese empire, and our arch enemy, the blue oval. But in recent years I feel that the army I love so much has left me out in the cold. The GTO sucks. The Camaro and beloved Firebird are but a sweet memory. Oh, how sad it is to fight the good fight, but without the proper weaponry! Sure, we have the beloved turbo Buick, and the used F-body. But when those blue oval boys put cars out on the market like this:

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/gnfury/normal_shelbyhome.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

and this
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/gnfury/normal_ShelbyCobraGT500Show_30.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

and cars that can be made to look like this
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/gnfury/S4300027.jpg" alt="Image hoste

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/gnfury/S4300019.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/gnfury/128795-1983.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

For the love of god, how can any car nut resist!!!!! These cars are absolutely beautiful (and fast as helll)

So General sir, although I will always love you, I must turn to the blue oval now and embrace it like it was my own. If any of you guys need me, I will be at the closest Ford dealer putting in my order for the '07 GT-500
And just incase you want to see more pics of that oh so bad as hell '05 Eleanor car up above (wich is just about the coolest freeeeeking car I have eve layed eyes on)
here is a link:


Order one if you like. It is a sure bet that you could start saving now, and have enough to buy it long before GM comes out with something cool.
The new 'stang really looks great with that "Ronaele" package.

GM needs to do something, if they keep doing what they have been, not only will Olds be a memory, but the entire company will be:(
while i like the sleeper look of the GTO it doesn't stand out enough to *wow* most people. there definitely needs to be something else besides the GTO and the Corvette in GM's lineup. especially something in the mid 20k range to compete with the stang.

i think maybe doing a GTO "The Judge" package would be pretty cool.
Originally posted by crownvic96
i think maybe doing a GTO "The Judge" package would be pretty cool.

Don't you think they desecrated the GTO name enough without resorting to totally killing it by putting on some graphics and adding 50hp and calling it "The Judge" just to sell a few more cars :rolleyes:

As awsome as the front of those cars look the rest of it isn't all that special. 75k for 480 hp:rolleyes:
How would a owner of one of those 75k cars feel when a plain old 04 GTO with a 5k STS turbo kit leaves it 5-10 car lenghts behind.
32k$ difference to go from the Ronaele 345hp to 480hp, thats $240 per 1 hp :eek:

If I'm spending that much I'm getting a Viper, still the baddest looking car on the street:cool:
well i was thinking something like a judge package would add some more pizzaz to the exterior, interior or whatever. since the exterior is everyones biggest complaint on the GTO

personally i think the lines of the new gto is refreshing, if not kind of unassuming and bland. to me its far better than having all the spoilers and wings and what not the old trans ams had. i like bland. it makes it that much sweeter when you blow the doors off of some autozoned up bling machine at the track.
yep, that top of the line "ronaele" is not a very good deal, but for curb appeal sake alone, you can give this ronaele company about 40k and have the car pictured above with 350 hp. that is pretty damn sweet. (how much is a fully loaded GTO running?) I would take the eleanor every time. Not to mention, that if you and your buddy were tryin to pick up chicks and he was driving the GTO and you had the "ronaele", you would wish the mustang seated more than 4.
I have to agree with the "blandness is good" sentiment above; I like flying below the radar in my '04 GTO. Several of our local TR brethren have picked up GTOs; to me its sort of the "modern day daily driver T-Type". If I want bada$$, I'll take out the GN. ;)

'87 GN (10.84 @ 126)
'04 GTO
formerly Buicksx2 until my user name/password fubar'd and I had to reregister... :mad: