OGS pro-pain vs. importpoweronline propane kit

first of all your not getting the braided line , or the tank. dont now much about the import kit but i did at one time have the ogs kit and it is a very nice kit in my opinion. by the pictures it looks to be of better quality too. i know i wouldnt want those rubber lines on my kit. you gotta figure like a 100 bucks for the stainless line alone. im sure youll get more on this.:D
from a quick glance;
1) no ultra tweakable badass command center (just a hobbs switch)
2) cheap looking regulator
3) standard appearing solenoid
3) rubber line ack!
4) doesn't even come with a tank.

just my observations.
You get what you pay for.If I was still running a hot air I would rather go with alchy instead,the intake was designed by GM for it with it's circuituous airflow path the alchy has plenty a chance to vaporize.Good luck whatever you do.
Originally posted by TurboBuickSix
You get what you pay for.If I was still running a hot air I would rather go with alchy instead,the intake was designed by GM for it with it's circuituous airflow path the alchy has plenty a chance to vaporize.Good luck whatever you do.

Very true on all accounts.
Since the HotAirs have higher intake temps you would be much better off and see larger gains from running Alky over ProPain due to the cooling effects of the alcohol that propane doesn't exhibit.

I am not one to stear someone away from running propane since the more users there are the more the technology will advance much as it has with alcohol injection, but I just don't feel it is the best option in your case.
IPO made this kit as a low buck kit, without all the bells and whistles, just propane when you need it and offered it at a low price.

obviously Jay's kit is better quaility.
pony up for the pro-pain kit, it's worth the green. For starters, the regulator. It's got an input and an output gauge, and is the style used welding torches. The input gauge is cricital in my opinion, and I'll get to that in a minute. I'd like to point out that the pro-pain system is MAP based, which means it'll respond faster and provide a higher level of tunability in cab then the other system would. This is how I'm planning on building my progressive liquid propane injection system, if I ever get off my duff of course =) as it'll provide a superior tunability as well as being configurable from in the vehicle which is a plus unto it's self. Just a warning though, be careful of the tank's level. If you use propane in a system like that it'll draw off the top of the liquid and the liquid can freeze over causing a pressure drop. High use, a low tank level and cold weather will aggrevate these conditions. For quick bursts I doubt it'll be an issue, but watch the tank level carefully and if your tank starts getting frost on the outside of it stop using the system till it warms up and get your tank filled.
I don't drive mine everyday but anytime my butt is in the seat the Pro-pain is armed. Still in the initial tuning stages but so far I am impressed.