Odd numbered Injectors 756's???


New Member
May 26, 2001
Recently purchased a car that is running red-stripes?? The old build up said the were Bosch red stripes,but the top half is solid red. The sheet says Kinsler 756's(last 3 digits),where as the injector body says Q6, and also in another part of the build up/ flow sheet , calls them Bosch 756's, they were flow matched, and pattern altered to a finer spray for better atomization, and to within 2% of each other. These injectors are at least 10 yrs.old, but still working fine for the combo. one place documents flow data as @45 psi=32.5lb per hr. and @ 70 psi= 41.1 lbs per hr. The gentlemen was getting high 11's at 5280ft.. What are these? Or is it obvious they are 30lb redtops?

Are these Redtop Fords???? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks!
