New Trailer For The Buick

can offer couple suggestions?
check tire pressure before EVERY trip!!!!!!!!!
load the car forward as possible, as the "wiggle" (if it occurs) will ruin your shorts!
I carry two spares, as "trailer tires" are all junk, and if you exceed 65mph, you will find out !

I have rhino lining on my car trailer, and it is chipping and peeling,
I'd use the coin mat, so you could replace a section if needed.

looks really great! and the color is sweet!
Not just the tire pressure. Look over the tires, tread and such, and I always hit each lug nut with the four way to make sure they are tight(yes I lost a wheel once, Not a good feeling) at the beginning of the trip and the start of each day. Also inspect those tires each time you stop. Way better to catch one like this in a parking lot than on the side of the road.
Yes that is the tread separating.

You need two spares and a jack capable to lift a side of you loaded trailer. One of those nifty drive on things aint gonna cut the mustard when the front one takes the rear one with it. It was a fun morning that began much earlier but the tires let loose about five am or so on I20 between ranger and weatherford. I even got to pull the rear drum to unwind the tire belt that get wrapped up in there.

I like the cam type sway control. It fits in with the load leveling bars. Once we got it adjusted it works great.

Congrats on your smokin deal. I hope it serves you well.
I have a 26' my buddy and I added ramps. This allows u to haul anything no matter the door height, wide enough between ramps to drive a golf cart thru and most importantly for me way easier to hook up tow