New to forum


Life under pressure
Jan 20, 2008
So I was having a frosty with a buddy of mine the other night, as the conversation progressed, it was clear that my bud has spent an enormous amount of time at this forum reading, posting, buying and selling Buick stuff. That said, he e-mailed me the link which I am now subscribed to and thus posting this thread.
I would like to say hello to everyone and think will enjoy being part of the Buick community here. I might be new to this forum, but have been around the racing scene (street and track) for a long time. At 39 yo now, I am finally able to afford that elusive black 6 cylinder that was kicking everyones ass. I currently am in the process of completely restoring (not frame off but very close) my 86 GN and this forum will be a great tool for assistance and parts re-con. I am already dealing with the G-bodies and NOS4gn of the web which have been awesome in assistance and supplying OEM and aftermarket parts.
I also just sold my clean 87 (which had some engine issues) and have transfered those funds to the 86.
Oh and by the way, that beer drinking buddy on mine......yes thats right, he is on this website because I got him into the T6 powerplant about 8 or so months ago and now he can't stop, "its like a freaking disease that keeps growing"......he says....... owner of a pretty clean white T-type.
Any way, feel free to drop me a line, I will need a lot of help and components still and have some to offer to you all as well.
Thank you all
And so it begins......Welcome and enjoy your new disease.....I call it A.I.D.S....Automotive Induced Divorce Syndrom, Lol, Welcome and enjoy your 86!!