New Scorpions

Kickin, gotta hear it, I'm sure my wife will be informing me when they come to town...I thought she was going to loose it the last we saw them, she got up to the front and shook Mathis' hand.
You and her will dig it. It's of the same calibur as Blackout and Love at First Sting. All good!

They can still pull it off, and Matt's GTR is still on fire!!

Enjoy. :D


and....cranking some Marshall Amped Gibsons is a nice diversion from the current events :mad:
Cool, I'll go get it this week. Going to Styx Friday, can jam to it on the way, she got 2nd row tix on the floor!
The show last night was very good, although the Scorps played less than 1.5 hrs. Tesla rocked, I've always liked their music since '86 and this was the first time to see them live, they had all their original members.
The Scorpions drummer, James Takkot pulled off a drum solo that rivals Tommy Lee, awesome drummer and show he put on spewwing beer everywhere during the solo...