new NHRA rules for t top cars


BS...I'm glad I sold my Maro and an buying a hard-top T-type.
I'll believe it when someone can point to it in the rule book. Nothing on the NHRA site (though it's hard to find anything there) says anything about the alleged new rule or plans to implement it.

That being said, I wouldn't be surprised.

I need a bar for my car anyway.....maybe HAVING the required bar will get me to an 11.99.

Thats retarded. The NHRA is still stuck in 1965. They still don't believe that real 12 second street cars exist :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The other 2 that are irking a lot of people are the parashute requirement at 130mph and no more swing out side bars.

Originally posted by GNVAIR
The other 2 that are irking a lot of people are the parashute requirement at 130mph and no more swing out side bars.

Lee, I just looked at the latest[8/15] ND rules revision list, and see no mention of the above items being added to the list.
You are saying that the current 150 MPH for a chute is now 130??
I'd doubt that, as below about 150, the chute is pretty much useless.

As for the swingouts, they could be doing that, because they are tired of trying to enforce the rule as written.. I've seen ALOT hokey "swing out" hinges, slip joints, etc, on cars requiring a bar.

Sad part is, alot of these so called "chassis shops" don't even have a current rule book to go by...:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

My $.02 worth.
I personally don't want to see anybody dead at the track, and I am surprized that you hold your car integrity or $$ above your own life.

Just doesn't make sense.
AMAZING, ain't it!!!

Originally posted by Ted A.
I personally don't want to see anybody dead at the track, and I am surprized that you hold your car integrity or $$ above your own life.

Just doesn't make sense.

Ted, you can throw the cheapo helmets in that mix too.
A $10 head? Buy a $10 helmet.. bout the same mindset.

BTW, I have e-mailed my contact at NHRA tech to ask about these rumors.. I'll post his reply when/if I get one.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Anyone read the end of this thread?

Looks like we might have this straightened out. If Mr. Leeper knows someone at the NHRA though, I'm sure that would help some of us sleep a little more soundly.

It's just a rumor

I posted this to the other thread, but will post here as well-- this looks to be an untrue rumor:


I just got off the phone with John Miller Tech Service Rep for NHRA National Headquarters , in Glendora Cal. and he stated:
'At this time there is no change to the glass/t-top rules, they will be considered a coupe and require a roll bar at 11.99, same as in the past.'
He did tell me this was discussed at this past Tuesday rules meeting but no changes will be made now or in the near future.
So everyone relax, it's business as usual."
If you run 135 MPH, you are required to have a 11.99 certified rollbar/cage, not a Chute. Like it was said above, it won't work at that speed to where it would be effective.

You can still have swing outs, just a certain style.

Just to be obvious,
a roof helps to keep things in a car, and OUT of a car in a roll over.

While it's nice not to think about roll overs, having been thru one, I'll take a hard top anytime thankyou.

On a related note, the G Body Door opening aint' too good to begin with when it comes to roll overs. The car I was in the door sprung open, and I was ejected from the car. The roof collapse was really horrific, and if it had been any weaker, or open I well might have had more problems then just a broken back.

It was just a low speed crash, but a side ditch got the car to rolling. I hate to think of what would have happened at 90.

Racing is inheritantly dangerous, there is just no reason to be foolish. Does no good anyway, cause eventually the safety regulators catch up.

And the NHRA is about money, and has turned it's back on what it used to represent, ie min Street Racing. They as a group need to remember their roots. Watching Force is no doubt fun, but the NHRA is the National Hot Rod Association. Force's Funny isn't a hotrod, it's a full blown race car, again just being blinkin obvious.
Originally posted by bruce
Just to be obvious,
a roof helps to keep things in a car,

So do seatbelts. Are you saying you were ejected from a car while wearing your seatbelt?