New Iraqi City Names - NO UN


GNless but Debtfree too!
May 24, 2001
Now that American Aircraft and Military have reorganized
Iraqs landscape, US intelligence has discovered that they have renamed some
of their towns. These new names include:
1. Wherz-Myroof
2. Mykamel-Izded
3. O$hit-Disisabad
4. Waddi-El-Izgowinon
5. Pleez-Ztopdi$hit
6. Kizz-Yerass-Goodbi
7. Ikantstan-Disnomore
8. Wha-Tafuk-Wazi-Tinkin
9. Myturbin-Izburnin
10. Imma-Dedshmuck
Dude, with the weekend I had, you cannot imagine how much I appreciate such a good laugh right now!! Thanks, that was hilarious. :D

Reminds me of the phone scam where they have the lady at the airport call out names like these.