Need Wavy steel in Forward Clutch


May 25, 2001
What is the function of the wavy steel in the forward clutch pack? Is it necessary for a hi perf build up? OEM is one wavy, three steels and four frictions. My rebuild kit (TCI Racing) includes four steels and four frictions for the forward clutch. By substituting some spare direct steels for two of the TCI forward clutch steels, I have a nice clearance of .025" and the clutch pack applies nicely on the bench using compressed air. Is the wavy needed?
The waved plate is to cushion the apply when you put your trans in Drive. What does TCI's directions say? You can always call them if you need to.

-Mike H.
No directions. All of the rebuild kits I have purchased have just been a load of parts in a box. Pretty spartan if you ask me. A little documentation goes a long way in my book with regards to customer satisfaction and reducing service calls. Even if it is just a list of the kit contents, so the buyer could verify what is supposed to be included with the kit. I don't think that is too much to ask for. I will give TCI a call in the AM regarding the four steels. Greg Friend (TCI) also frequents the board so he would probably know. I do have the CK manual (excellent), ATSG manual, the 200-4R video and all the invaluable experience on this board to help out. All sources mentioned above include the wavy steel in the forward clutch pack, but none mention why. I like to post questions/info on this board so hopefully that the knowledge that is learned can be shared with others. Sorry about the rant on the kits, it is just a peeve of mine and thanks for your reply as to the function of the wavy steel.


The wave is to reduce the hard hit when you drop the selector into drive. I used to to not use them as I thought the thing to do was remove all waves on a performance build but I now put them in as it softens the hit. Actually the forwards apply when stopped so they are not a SHIFTING set of frictions.
Same applys for low and reverse wave.
Well... I called TCI this morning. They said not to use the wavy steel with their kit. So I guess I will leave it out then.