Need Help !!! Dumd Question PLEASE


Jul 2, 2003
Hi I was going to put my heads on today with felpro 9441pt composite head gaskets. I am not sure if it matters, or one way is better or than the other. Which way do the gaskets face ? Part # facing up or down? Please help!!! I would like to bolt the heads up tonight. Thanks in advance Dan
hello, anybody here, I know it is a dumb question but , can someone help me? Thanks is advance Dan
I think these head gaskets fit one way only if i recall. Usually the dowels on the block should guide you. Felpros are usually part numbers up.
hey Mar86gn,
Thanks for the reply. I thought it was part #s up but just needed someone to confirm that. I could not remember for sure and only want to do this once. thanks again Dan.

122 people viewed this post and your the only one to respond!!!

Thanks Dan
Hey thanks for the link to the site, it was very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to help some one out.

Thanks Dan