Need baseline settings for Genll maf translator


Feb 12, 2007
Got my genll box back from having software upgrade and now I have to figure out what to set everything at. I didn't do the original install and like a dummy didn't write down the settings before I sent in. I'm running an Ltl maf, 50lb injectors, alky. I have the extender chip supposed to run with it and wideband. I think is has stuff like timing that I don't know what to set it at to start with. Ok thanks for looking.
Bob would be the first person I'd PM. What does the manuel say? You have to select the maf and after that my memory goes blank.
First thing imo you shouldnt have a component on your car tha is a adjustment tool that you dont know how to setup, use and understand.
Go to fullthrottletech and go under gen2 turbo buick setup and follow that for hwlp on setup.

Hold the upper right button down and keep it held then turn key on no start.......keep holding and it will reset all info to default. If you think you have skewed all the readings and have no clue where they are then you can reset to default by above procedure.
Yeah I understand your opinion- I got this setup after getting the car back with the motor redone getting crazy false knock. All I wanted was a trouble free setup with out all the computer nerd tuning crap. I just don't enjoy it anymore. My man Steve V helped me out- sorted this mess out, ran trouble free bad ass haul ass for like 4 years over 5000 miles. If I have to learn it all ok but I'm not trying to squeeze every possible ounce of go fast out of . It was scary as hell as it was and a very safe tune. It made 454 hp at 20psi Before this was installed with crazy false knock. So thanks for you advise and keep on gettin' it.