NED Oct 15th


Jul 20, 2004
End of season bash at NED. We are hoping for good weather of course. It looks like I have gathered about 5-6 Buick guys to meet up on that sunday. So anyone who wants to bail out of sunday football and go racing come on up it shoud be alot of fun.
I'll be long as the weather holds out? Hope the sun shines down on the track to put a little heat into it. Need a good 60' to attempt that mid 10 sec pass :biggrin:
Sounds good. I hope the weather holds.
I would have to clear it with the BRIDE...
I have those New DR's finally mounted & they fit fine on my T.
No rubbing or scrapping. LOTS O GRIP

This Sunday is the Dan Page HOT ROD series & Mass Central drag racers & Hot rod.
If i remember correctly last time I went you don't get as many passes considering it is 9 to 5 pm with all the above events. But you do get benifit of the SUN if it comes out :)
Weathers looking good for sunday. High 50's but cold in the AM. I cant wait for the good air and race trim. I ran 11.8@117 with bad air, street tune and 18psi
Clemsgn, Dciving and I ran. I had a good outing. Ran a 11.7@113 through the exhaust not locking the converter. :wink:
Yes indeed! Thanks Steve for lending them to me. Check out the video of the run in the Vid section.
Must have been tinkering with the Mazda.
I went up there on friday and i didn't see any gn's. but i did see a silver t-type leaving on a trailer when i got there about 8:00 p.m.
congrats on the 11 second pass. ;)
littlesixsteve said:
The real question is where were YOU.. I looked at the NED sign but saw NO GRUMP LOL!

well Melissa worked there sat and they were bombed !!! lots of bracket racing junk .. we were goin up Sunday to watch some other Buicks run BUT after the crowded sat we decided against it .. oh she got thrown out Wednesday for running to fast untill she gets a tranny shield and c clip elimiators :eek: got them today !! looks like rain for the rest of the week :mad: oh ya the Mazda is back home :eek: :cool:
So let me get this straight...

She works there and she still got the boot? That's wrong, wrong, wrong. At least it would be here in RI. :wink:
So let me get this straight...

She works there and she still got the boot? That's wrong, wrong, wrong. At least it would be here in RI. :wink:

yup :eek: they tell her that she knows better :p soooo we are shooting for wed :cool: well providing its still running of course :rolleyes: