My powermaster never stops running


Sep 8, 2005
Is it time for a new one? I put on a new acc ball about 3 summers ago with a brand new one. I get the dummy brake light off and on and I can feel the PM running in the brake pedal. Is there any point in trying to diagnose I should I just suck it up and put a new one in?

Get rid of the Powermaster. Too many things to go wrong at the worst possible moment. I went with a Hydroboost and am extremely happy, but the vacuum is cheaper and most like it. Reliabilty is important. One failed Powermaster on the freeway was enough for me. You can always just put it in a box and give it to the new owner if you ever sell your car. In the mean time you will have reliable stopping power.
Bottom line is you are about to spend several hundred on whatever parts is bad.

Im on the vac system now and wish I would have done it sooner and saved a few thou over the years.
2 of my buds that were skeptical of the vac due to what they "heard", drove mine and said the pedal was better and will do the swap as soon as they the slightest issue with their PM.

Do it and save the money PM stuff is ridiculous!