my observations about John Kerry.

Vendor Defendor

Out the window
Nov 25, 2002
Alright, I been neglecting to write this, just because I hate politics. But I see a lot of people bashing Bush (who I don't really think is doing that bad of a job... but, I'll get to that later), and supporting Kerry.

About a month ago, at Lake Worth PBCC Kerry decided to have a little speech there to rally votes up for the election in November.

I didn't listen to all that he had to say, as it was that boring, but the subjects that he did talk about he really never made a point. The points that are the clearest in my mind, are when the crowd started to ask questions. One of the quesions was what are you going to do about education? Well Kerry started talking about education.... then he went over to GI's in Iraq, then.. some how ended up back at education... He never answered the question, but he some how got the topic of education over to Iraq and GI's there. The crowed loved this, they seemed to cheer everytime they heard troops or something like that. He didn't say anything like, we need to educate our troops better he started talking about combat. what the hell? Anyways one of the next questions was about building more fire stations. He turned this around back into Iraq. I remember this one clearly, because it means a lot to me. The question, as I said, was about fire stations here, his response was this: "We need to be building more firestations here in the US and not over there in Iraq!!!" what the **** is that supposed to mean? No where did he answer the question, just started talking about Iraq again.. which... of couse.. got the crowed cheering. Kerry also started talking about how he wants to get more jobs over here in the US, and stop big corps. from sending there businesses to other countries just to save money, after I write this long ass post, I will reply with some intresting stuff on him about this.

This I also thought was bull****, Liberman was also there with Kerry on this lovely day, and Liberman went around the audence asking questions. He came up to this little old lady (now, I am not trying to be prejudice or whatever against religions, but this is how it went) and asked her what her question was, her question was.... "As an observing Jew" *Pause for about 10 seconds, Liberman obvously got confused, because he actually asked into the mic, who, me or you?) "BOTH!" another ten second pause... "What do you think..." another 10 seond pause... "of the United states...." ten second pause "Isreale relationship". He went on about a bunch of BS, and then she said when he finished, "OK, well you have my vote no matter what, because us jews need to have a man in office" What the ****, she (and I am sure many many more) are going to vote for him just because they want to see a jewish man in office? Thats not right, I don't care about the mans religion, you should care about what his views on all the issues are....

Another thing that I had observed while I was there, was the amount of security that they gave Kerry, I mean the man is not even president. They had SWAT team members on the roof, and in the crowd, police officers every 60 feet along the fence. Secert service was all over the place... they had taken cameras and put them down in the sewer to make sure nothing was in there. They wouldn't let us near certian windows in our building, and they even took over the EMT lab room, because it is over by the autoshop, and our EMT lab had a garage door that had nothing blocking it whatsoever, so the secert service took our lab so Kerry's limo could be parked inside. ASS.

I honestly don't think Bush is doing all that bad of a job, because I think that something had to be done over there that they just haven't told us, I mean how much does our governmnet tell us in the first place? Two, I think the media is blowing everything WAY out of propotion, I mean, so some soldiers where doing some S&M stuff with prisoners, that justifys having a guys head cut off. The media is just making a big deal because it is an election year.

Anyways, I think I am done.
this is that other thing I was talking about:

Sen. John Kerry keeps talking about U.S. corporations leaving this country and setting up shop in foreign countries, taking thousands of jobs with them. He is right, because that has happened. However, he is trying to blame it on George W. Bush.
As far as I know, Bush has not moved one factory out of this country because he is not the owner of a single factory.

That cannot be said about Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz-Kerry. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Kerrys own 32 factories in Europe and 18 in Asia and the Pacific. In addition, their company, the Heinz Company, leases four factories in Europe and four in A sia. Also, they own 27 factories in North America, some of which are in Mexico and the Caribbean.

I wonder how many hundreds of American workers lost their jobs when these plants relocated to foreign countries. I also wonder if the workers in Mexico and Asia are paid the same wages and benefits as workers in the United States.

Of course they're not. However, Kerry demands that other companies that relocate should pay the same benefits they did in the U.S. Why does he not demand this of the Heinz Company, since he is married to the owner?

If Kerry is elected, will he and his wife close all those foreign
factories and bring all those jobs back to America? Of course they won't. They're making millions off that cheap labor.
Vendor KEEP IT UP GREAT POST, ID write that but don't have that much patience. Ican verbally tell it :)
For a fun time ask around about how the Hienz family made their money. Ketchup takes Tomatoes. I'll let others connect the dots.
Originally posted by ledzeppac
I get it, tomato is a fruit not a vegitable!!! DAnm KERRY's confusing everyone.

Close but no, the Hienz family used very cheap labor to harvest the tomatoes. It will be interesting to see if and when the News Media stumbles into her family's closet.
I know.

But that came our months ago, so I would bet that our window for the media to use it has closed. If it hasn't been out by now, it probably won't be. Unless Hannity brings it up. Or jobs leaving debates get really heated in the election.
Great post Vendor. The only problem is, it takes thought to figure it all out, and we all know liberals don't think, they only "feel" about things.
Bill Gates is an example of thought in business. Just because someone is genious on one level doesn't mean they have those skills in all areas.
Besides, Gates is still hurting from getting drug over the coals because he told Clinton to pi$$ off.
Funny.Teresa Heinz-kerry made 5 million last year according to her taxes and only paid 11% tax rate.I made 60K and paid 28%.Go figure.Kerry wants rich people to pay more in taxes,he should start with his wife.

And he's still a liberal..............they do think, contrary to rep. rhetoric..

Hey what about Albert Einstein.....another liberal...I know you can't talk to him, or can you hear voices, too.

90% of the Jews in this country are "liberals" are you trying to tell me they arent thinkers? And bushbaby is backing their homeland...Hmmmmmmmmmmm, makes you "think".
Weester, only rhetoric flowing here is what comes out of your mouth. Try and control your rage.

Originally posted by We4ster

Maybe you should ask Bill Gates how he "feels"

"dam rich hippie"
Yea, he should feel guilty for making millions and going from rags to riches. Typical thought process of a liberal...that is to demonize someone who's successful and "made it". Sounds like Weester prefers wealth distribution (socialism) and is a bit jealous of those enormously successful.
No response Weester, logic escapes you. All you seem to live for is bashing Bush. Until you can own up to being another closet liberal, I have nothing to say to you. You can't even be honest with yourself, much less anyone here. Kerry makes Bush look like another Einstein, yet you have said nothing of all his problems? Just be honest Weester. You may salvage some honor yet.
Originally posted by We4ster
90% of the Jews in this country are "liberals" are you trying to tell me they arent thinkers? And bushbaby is backing their homeland...Hmmmmmmmmmmm, makes you "think".

There we have it, right from the horse's mouth. Case closed.
One thing Kerry excels at is being an opportunist. From his short FOUR months in the war zone, to his THREE Purple Hearts, with questions attached. Many people protested the Vietnam conflict, but he was able to propel himself to national attention by throwing somebody elses medals away. He flip-flops now on the facts related to that. Married into great wealth. Not once, but TWICE. :rolleyes: He rolled this opportunism into a US Senate seat, to which he has performed in a lackluster manner. Now, he's on to the next opportunity. God forbid that this DUD should become the President.
Did your collective IQ's just drop about 90%?
I was refering to the fact that Mr. Gates is a LIBERAL!.....doh!

As for TurboTer, your true colors have shown through...anti-semite, probably anti black and latino too...If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck................White supremisist/KKK!
Originally posted by We4ster
As for TurboTer, your true colors have shown through...anti-semite, probably anti black and latino too...If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck................White supremisist/KKK!

Please, I'm not anti-anything, just pro-Western culture. I'm a paleo-conservative. On super far-right forum boards I post on, they think I'm a liberal.