MY GN minivan conversion....and it only took about 30 hrs!!!

You suck. Everyone on the East coast sucks. Here in MI we have been dying for snow, 4" is the biggest storm all year:mad:

Snowmobiles everywhere are driving across barren fields because we are tired of waiting for snow:mad:
Originally posted by blackbuick87
You suck. Everyone on the East coast sucks. Here in MI we have been dying for snow, 4" is the biggest storm all year:mad:

Snowmobiles everywhere are driving across barren fields because we are tired of waiting for snow:mad:
My God, and I thought I was the only one here in MI that thought that.
I just got in from clearing out my beater.

I walked inside then I heard the maintainence crew make a few passes around my complex.

There is now a 4" wall of snow in front of my car!!ARGGH :mad:
What's the problem? Four inches isn't much of a wall. Now four feet (4') that would be something!
We had 7 feet all at once for Xmas year before last,can anyone top that? Yaeh,fricken seven feet.We did'nt get a flake of this one though.
Blackbuick87: I was up in the West Branch-St. Helen area the other weekend was sweet. I'm moving up there after I graduate!!!
You suck. Everyone on the East coast sucks. Here in MI we have been dying for snow, 4" is the biggest storm all year

My God, and I thought I was the only one here in MI that thought that.

Ya know I thought that same thing a couple weeks ago. Not any more though. You should come over to the west side of the state, there's 12" of powder still here from the storm last week.:D
I cant find my car here in baltimore , maybe the snow plow pushed it away. Some thing told me to put the car cover on it.:(
Originally posted by Tom Tom Turbo
Blackbuick87: I was up in the West Branch-St. Helen area the other weekend was sweet. I'm moving up there after I graduate!!!

Yeah, West Branch and north of there has quite a bit, and people I know that have lived in Traverse City say they have more snow now then they have ever had in 20 years of living up there. It just sucks here. Bitter cold and 8 inches total the entire year:mad:
Snow? WOW i get to see it on TV but that is about it :( But then again I don't have a problem with rust down here so I guess the trade off is ok......Nice picture...I love the snow but only for vacation....
Hey! That looks like snow! I saw some for the first time in my life last week in NC. Went skiing, had a blast, busted my knee. Been there, done that. Never want to see snow again.