My 2nd TTA!!!


1 of 1555 (#1489)
Apr 19, 2006
I just bought Lee's car. I was previous owner of TTA #900 for about 10 years but sold in Dec '02, but now I am back :) . I see lots of new things for the LC2 and looking forward in learning them. Thanks Lee for everything.

-30th T/A #250 with 6k miles
-20th T/A #1489 with 74k miles
Veesixx said:
I just bought Lee's car. I was previous owner of TTA #900 for about 10 years but sold in Dec '02, but now I am back :) . I see lots of new things for the LC2 and looking forward in learning them. Thanks Lee for everything.

-30th T/A #250 with 6k miles
-20th T/A #1489 with 74k miles

Congratulations! :biggrin:

It was my pleaure Roy, It was fun meeting you and your friend with the video camera :) I felt like a celebrity as he taped everything I said about the car.

My impression is that you are going to be a student of TTA ownership and will do very well. You have a great car there.

four things Roy:

Disconnect the adjustable waste gate actuator and make it four turns LONGER. I don't know how high the boost will go near sea level where you live at its current setting. You don't want any surprises.

I don't think I pointed out that the Alchy pump is mounted under the battery.

I'll mail the original dash piece and the turbo elbow with the larger puck in it....The larger puck will speed the turbo spool up and allow boost into the mid twenty pound range. Install it even if you don't plan on upping the boost, the larger puck will do some important things for you even with boost under 20 PSI (your turbo is ported and the stock puck leaks a tiny bit).

I did NOT show you the push-to-test button on the Alchy Control....Press it to confirm you have 'spray' BEFORE you go WOT (the test button will spray and your idle speed will change, (almost kill the engine) If your idle does not change when you press the button, DO NOT go WOT until you find out why you don't have spray! Go tothe Alchy forum of this board and read up on your Alchy system....:)
You got a good car. He did all the necessary things to his TTA to make it a very nice reliable car. Do you plan on getting another Lee?

Quiky One said:
You got a good car. He did all the necessary things to his TTA to make it a very nice reliable car. Do you plan on getting another Lee?


I'm afraid to predict the answer to that question....I did not 'Intend' to buy that one :biggrin: Just couldn't resist :) May happen again, maybe not....We traded for another Lot on the Brazos river near Ft Worth yesterday....I think I'll sink some money into that before I buy another LC2.

This TTA coming on the market, being bought by my friend in California, his going to Iraq soon after, his wife preferring a Mercedes Convertable, all resulted in my buying this car at a good price....Then, I POURED the money into it. Was not a wise thing to do, but it was fun! Roy knows this history and knows Ed Wong, the previous owner.

I sold my first TTA to put the money in the stock market (swing and day trading), Did OK. Will put the whole ball of wax into building a new home on the river within the next year. That is the priority now.


Have you found that flat spot on the face of the right front wheel well yet?
Congradulations on a good purchase. Lee has been a good contributor on TB and especially in the TTA section. I have no doubt that he took exceptional care of the car. It's always nice when you can buy a car and not have to be too concerned with whether you bought a nice car or just someone elses problems.

Welcome to the board, and i'm sure you will learn quickly. It's nice having more people having the chance to experience owning a TTA, and bringing new faces to the board. Good luck with the new car.

Thanks guys!!! Sure is good to drive a TTA once again.


I did find the Alchy Pump...pretty neat setup :). I also ran a spray test and it worked as you stated(currently running 89 octane). I have not been able to find the flat spot, I guess when I wax the car. I will be on the lookout for those things you are sending me :cool: . I will take care of the other ajustments, once I get the fuel pump problem fixed.
Bad timing for that relay to act up, huh? Sorry I couldn't have fixed it before the trip. :(