M-7 Event at Stanton Michigan

Ran there friday night, what a mess. It seemed like everybody was breaking, leaking. They made us sit for about a hour and let the pro-tree guys run. I saw Tweaked run though, so that made it worth it.
that's not really a reflection on this event. This is just the GM people and they prepped the track really well for us. Really don't have a lot of control over people that break when they run... Know what I mean? What all have you done with your 85 to run those times? Is it intercooled?
Essentially, the only thing that is "85" about the car is the VIN. It's 87 engine with all the goodies. Yes, above doesn't really describe the event on Saturday and Sunday, but they did have control of how long they made us sit in our cars and wait. If I would have known I would have wasted so much time I would have just come to watch. It really is a cater to the masses and not the a$$es, which is what I was on friday :)
You'll like this event cause it a caters to the a$$es type event. Last year it only got into the mid 30's and the vht the whole track so we would hook, more then once. This is usually a 100- or so cars so you have plenty of track time. I don't remember the track being down for more then a few minutes if ever. Not many broke at all or did so and didn't leave a mess. This is a lot of fun, hope you can make it. Mine is 85 with the "hot air" still in it. My goal to be as fast Lee Thompson is in his....Some day. :D :D :D ;)

Jeff Harrington, Red, Jeffrey Harrington JR., myself will be there. The damn weather better hold out!!

Red's car is a pretty nice stage II car, that'll make 2 of us in the 10's for sure.

That will be cool. I checked for the forecast recently and it's supposed to be sunny and 50 degrees. That would actually be a heat wave compared to last year. Looking forward to seeing you there. I however will be non intercooled trying to get some of my best times to date. Dare to be different. lol
It's not going to rain, accuweather says 60 degrees and partly cloudy. Last year it rained all the way there and ended up being a sunny race day. Just food for thought. It will not rain, I was kinda hoping only high of 50 but 60 is better then 80's. Sorry I would like some cooler air to run in. See you there.
Latest weather report is partly sunny with sunshine and high of 65 real feel 60 degrees. I can live with that.
As of 5pm the sun is shining on the west side of the state and the weather looks good, hope to see some of you east side guys at Stanton!:cool:
Trailer is loaded and ready to roll at 5 am tomorrow. Make sure somebody brings a broom to sweep up what is left of my crank.
Been there done that and now I wear the t-shirt, trust me when I say you really don't want to do this.... Hope to see you all there, trailer is ready needs the car loaded and we roll out about 6:30 (stopping for breakfast) I race better on a full tummy.... LOL
Ted where were you parked at? I I know there were the folks in the middle we knew but wasn't sure if you were part of this group. Did you have good runs? We finally got the hot air into the 12's at the dot. Still need to tune.