looking for reference photos...

72 pet chicken

i dont wanna be a cowboy"
May 22, 2009
hey all! my first time over here from the v8buick board. here is the deal. im not sure if this is the correct place to ask but im looking for high resolution photos i can use for a t-shirt design and some other projects im working on.

if provided with good usable reference that ends up on the shirt, a free one heads your way!

im looking for at least 300 dpi shots, preferably of an 87 gn or gnx. i need a ground level front shot, rear shot and side shot. any other angles will be a bonus. if anyone is interested shoot me an email. or pm.

if your curious about my work, you can see some of it over at the v8buick site. im under the same screen name there.

also, if this is in the wrong spot for posting, feel free to move it to the correct spot or let me know where to post it. thanks in advance to anyone that wants to help out.
