Looking for Paintwork!

Red Regal T

Senior Member
May 24, 2001
After I get back from the Nationals, I'll be ready to take in a paintjob. If you're looking for someone to paint your GN or TType, let me know. Then, you won't be sorry afterwards. :(

You'll find some Photos in my signature. ;)
Originally posted by jy211
Do you paint out of a garage or a booth?

Due to the fact that these jobs are wet sanded and polished to a flawless finish, a booth is nice to have, but not necessary.
so what's the estimate for painting a 68' camaro.It's currently black cherry....has chips and dents.... zero rust.....I want to paint it 2004 Cadillac black(cadillac's just look darker to me). Car would be completely stripped and with the front upper and lower valance apart, tail off.....