I don't have one for sale..BUT...ran into this 50% off sale, which might intrigue some of you 7-figure-annual-income guys on here.....so I thought I'd share....


That dealer has had that car since I was a teenager. 67 miles....yeah, OK. It has been driven to his lot and back to wherever he stores it enough times for me to know that is ....lets call it a fib. Not poking at you cause I know what you're getting at. I would say its worth $40-50k tops! Now...let me get out of this section. The username just caught my attention.
That dealer has had that car since I was a teenager. 67 miles....yeah, OK. It has been driven to his lot and back to wherever he stores it enough times for me to know that is ....lets call it a fib. Not poking at you cause I know what you're getting at. I would say its worth $40-50k tops! Now...let me get out of this section. The username just caught my attention.

$40 to $50 K ? in your dreams!