lookign for a gn shop near spring hill fl


New Member
Nov 2, 2008
hey guys i bought some parts from a guy a while back, he had a shop i think it was spring hil lfl or in that general area. he has a light blue gn parked inside his shop. it was just a little repair shop. anyway if anyone knows of him please give me his contact info

I think you might be talking about a guy named Larry. As of Nov. 08, he has dropped off the face of the earth, to my knowledge. I had used him to do some things on my car.

There are other guys on here who can definitely help you out. PM me and let me know what you need
I just bought a couple doors off him last week. He said he's getting out of the game for good.
I bought 2 complete GN doors with concert sound and a decent carpet for $125.00. Doors are very decent. One has a little rust at the bottom like they all do. My doors have very little rust but whoever owned the car before me caught the mirrors on something backing up and bent the surrounding sheetmetal. So I have the dilemma of fixing my doors or using the new ones.:cool: