LED Tail Light Mod

Just so you know, my driveway requires a left turn from a 50 mph highway - many times I am narrowly missed because of someone not paying attention. (Cell phones, text messaging, playing with themselves, etc.)

I want to minimize the risk by maximizing the night turn signal indication with brakes applied.

It would seem to others that I am getting too particular about this, but most replies are, "Yeah, they're great!" with the exception of Silver Fox, no reference to the original concern.

So, I guess the quick question to you current LED T/L T/R owners is:

Do you feel comfortable hanging your a$$ in the road waiting to make a left turn at night?

I swear, I'll let it go after this. ;)
I would feel comfortable perched on the trunk with the GF driving, hanging a left turn in the dead of night on a 80 MPH interstate with these LED tails. Oh yes, I would. They are THAT bright, where as at times I am not. :D

"$50 fee (assuming programming time will be less than 1 hour)" was quoted from the Manufacturer, not Scot.

I plan on buying a set and if I really don't like the bling - I will run the stock program.

If all else fails, I will hang 'um on the wall in my Tiki Bar. :cool:

First of all I would like to thank all you guy's for responding while I was off here. Thanks Guy's!!

Any pictures or video don't due these lights any justus. They are so bright that at night they actually light up the street behind you so I would think there would be NO Concern of them Not being bright enough.

On the re-programing part, That is simply up to Spaghetti Engineering to do that to your liking. All 4 boards have to be re-programed correctly and does take time, Then they have to be tested to make sure they are working properly.

When your ready to order just visit our site..


Have others asked for custom programing? It would behoove you to post any other sequence videos, if they are available from previous buyers.

In fact, if anyone has customize their LED tail light sequence, please post! :smile:

Unfortunately, the video frame rate elongates the time and blurs the overall effect. I am sure the LED tail lights deserve the praise they are getting when viewed in person.


Have others asked for custom programing? It would behoove you to post any other sequence videos, if they are available from previous buyers.

In fact, if anyone has customize their LED tail light sequence, please post! :smile:

Unfortunately, the video frame rate elongates the time and blurs the overall effect. I am sure the LED tail lights deserve the praise they are getting when viewed in person.

Yes sir, There have been a few that asked for custom re-programing and they have paid for it to be done. Recently I bought & taken 10 kits to BG. I installed one of those kits there and when we lit them up they were a custom set where BOTH boards on one side scrolled together..

Now, What I think happened was I called in my order and they had so many of the Regular sets and so many of the Custom sets on there shelves. When I placed my order for BG I cleaned them out so I think they grabed all they had..

Look up ( Royal-T-Ltd ) here on the board, I belive he was the first one here to have his Custom Programed. Maybe he will see this and chime in.. :)

That's pretty cool...will have to look into getting some for my TR and since they make them for 69 Novas get some of those too. (yes I also have a 69 Nova)