king of the pies...dies

Majority of the guys on here probably never heard of him. Used to watch his show all the time! Think the dog on the show was White Fang?????
Majority of the guys on here probably never heard of him. Used to watch his show all the time! Think the dog on the show was White Fang?????

yeah the only comedian left from the old era is prolly Don Rickles

White Phillis Diller called her husband White Fang
Majority of the guys on here probably never heard of him. Used to watch his show all the time! Think the dog on the show was White Fang?????

Not me! I am an old fart like you.. JK I do remember him on game shows in 60's & 70's.. that dude was funny. :biggrin:

I wish Redd Foxx was still around.. He was my fav. I remember watching Sandford & son with my DAD & we really got a laugh out of his show.
Well, at least he wasn't the victim of a "drive-pie" incident.

Although not native to WV (his family transplanted to Huntington from NC), he and Don Knotts (Morgantown, WV) were fine ambassadors for our state.
Soupy was one of the original childrens comics back in the late 50's on TV along with Howdy Doody, kukla, fran and ollie, Andy devine, and a host of others that did off the cuff, slap stick that was part of the American way back then! He was 83 and I had met him more than a few times when I was a beat cop in midtown Manhattan! Super nice guy, loved to talk old times......I'll miss him!
He was one of my favorites along with Harvey Korman and Tim Conway. I used to laugh at the reruns when I was a kid but I never got to see them live. The older ones were funnier because they didn't rely on faul language but intelegence. Look at Edgar Kennedy. He did slapstick and was great. Charlie Chaplan was very funny as well but the younger generation has no clue.
Okay kiddies go into mommy's pocketbook or daddies wallet and send me a $1 to this address on the screen. :eek: :biggrin:

A friggin' classic. :cool:
A few years ago, my daughter ( then abou 8 ) was in a See's buying a few pieces of candy. She looked up and saw the old photo of Lucy and Ethyl ( If you don't know- you're one of the youngins...) and told her sister- Look- its Lucy! The woman serving her - grey haired granny- said " You know who that is sweetie?!" My daughter replied " Sure, thats Lucy and Ethyl making See's!"
The woman paused, threw in an extra handful of candy and told my wife " Thats wonderful, she's the first child in here since I started 4 years ago who knows who Lucy is."
Thank God for TV Land.
My kids know who Eddie Arnold is too.:D
I used to watch him all the time of the best episodes involved White Fang (white paw on camera right) having an argument with Black Tooth (black paw on camera left) with Soupy caught in the middle, trying to mediate.

"!!!!" <PIE FLIES>