keep getting a script error


'Stang Stinger
Jun 7, 2003
i keep getting an error saying that TB is not responding due to a script running too long. what gives??
The site hung up on me about ten minutes ago...didnt get a error its just froze up.
Duh..... i get the slow response. When i click on new posts...only saw the error once

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Turbo Buick
I guess we have to refund our membership fee :eek:...

SHe is a little slow for me too, I just thought it was my motel internet :confused:.
Really sucks doesn't it. :( I also thought it was my Laptop. I've restarted it a couple times now already, and it still has script error for some reason. I do believe it's a site problem too.
We need scanmaster results on this! Vaccuum lines are good? Exhaust leaks? Surely we. Can troubleshoot it like our cars!