Just got some E/T streets, need tips...


May 24, 2001
I just got a set of used E/T streets, 26x11.50's. Just need a few tips on using them, i've always run DR's so these are new to me.

If they're slightly used, you;d better hope the previous owner did the proper "break-in" burnout for them. Other then that, a medium length burnout at the track should warm them up enough for some easy 1.6's(combo dependent).
there a bit more than slightly used:D , but my buddy pulled 1.6's before he pulled them off his stang. I was just wondering how much heat they needed etc.

listen pat, if the tire have been sitting for awhile you need to do a good burn out first time after that just get lil haze off the tires and they should hook ,also make sure you run enough air despite what some people think this is more like a street tire then a slick to low air pressure it will not hook i run mine on about 16 to 18.

yes they say they do.........but alot of people dont run them and dont have any problems they also say that the tubes will hurt ur r/t's at the track :p
Are they safe to run without tubes? Also do they lose alot of air without tubes? Do the q/t pros also require tubes?
Hmm.. no tubes, good ?

I just got a pair of used E/T Streets also. People are running them safely with no tubes? Why are tubes recommended? I would assume for the wrinkle on the launch correct?
the tubes are so they don't leak air.....wrinkle? I doubt it, unless you run 5 lbs of air..........

ET Streets are not wrinkle wall slicks and never will be......