Jack Evers is the man!

Chad Oliver

Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
Big Thanks goes out to Jack Evers. The advice and encouragement he gave me at dinner the other night helped out tremendously! I now have a refund of $228 coming to me, glad I didn't give up so easily and listened to his advice :D . Jack's the man!
i would not go as far as saying that chad.

NAW just kidding. Jack has helped me on more then once. i think most everyone in AZ in indebted to Dlck, Jack, Nick, and Woody. with out those guys most of us would not have running cars.

they have always been there for me. that says a lot about there characters. maybe one day i will repay them all.


Me too.. I could use $228.00..........:D

WTF, Jack where is my check!!!

if you scroll up you can see the blatant ass kissing. i thought that would warrent a check!

