Is new paint worth it if selling?


New Member
Dec 12, 2002
i am plannin on selling my t-type, and was wondering if i should paint it or if i should just sell it with out paint, it doesnt look very bad at all just the clear coat is coming off of the roof... i could get a show quality paint job for around 1000 (me doing all of the sanding thats just for materials paint booth and a pro spraying it) and since im just going to sell it i was wondering if i would get the money out of it by painting it or should i just sell it as is and let whoever purchases it decide on that?
Sell the way it is now, because you will not get even close to show quality paint job for 1K, even with you doing all of the sanding & prep work. You meam that you have a pro that does show quality paint jobs for about $800? You know that you can Earl Scheibb it for about $ 200 or so.

Here, hotlinked on "Show car Restoration" for you.
i think he means a friend is going to do it for free, he just has to buy the materials....anyway, if its only going to cost you 1000 and the rest of the car is tight(engine, trans, suspension, lower miles) then definately go for it. I bought my GN without paint for 5200 with 53000 miles on with that low of miles and goos paint would go for over 10000.....
seriously now... i dont know why you get off subject right off the bat... just stick with the question... show quality paint job 1000 buxs will i get that much out of it if i was to sell it... im sorry that you dont know any people that can help you out and hook u up but thats your problem... if i say i can get it for 1000 lets just leave it at that and dont worry about telling me i cant get it for 1000...

and yes its materials and what it cost in gas and electricity to run the paint booth.... ive worked at the body shop before and know what im doing ( o ya its a custom body shop not just reg repairs...)
I would paint it, detail it, and clean the crappola under the hood to make the car presentable to a prospective buyer.

Heck, if you make it nice enough, you might keep it for a few more years;)

Make sure its clean before you sell it, i think thats what everyone wants, a nice clean car to buy.

for a $1000 bucks why ask us ??? :p I take it the body is perfect right ??? should be easier to sell the car ..
Originally posted by chumanga
seriously now... i dont know why you get off subject right off the bat... just stick with the question... show quality paint job 1000 buxs will i get that much out of it if i was to sell it... im sorry that you dont know any people that can help you out and hook u up but thats your problem... if i say i can get it for 1000 lets just leave it at that and dont worry about telling me i cant get it for 1000...

and yes its materials and what it cost in gas and electricity to run the paint booth.... ive worked at the body shop before and know what im doing ( o ya its a custom body shop not just reg repairs...)
Ok, what would you guys sell that same show quality paint job for normally to someone that just drove in off of the street and that person is going to do all of the sanding?
yes the body is perfect, it has around 80k miles... btw its a 85 hotair, but the motor and trans have been rebuilt, just finishing things up, the question came to me since i recently sold one of my other cars fixed some problems and didnt get anymore for fixing it but since this is more of a collecters car i wasnt sure what others thought.

and as far as what it would cost for everything besides the sanding i would say from 2-4k depending on how much sanding... i am doing everything but spraying the car, im even going to mask it off... so im paying for primer paint and clear and for some booth time. sanding it to metal having primer sprayed then guide coat, blocking it, then primer and blocking again, paint paint paint, clear clear clear clear clear clear, and then alot of wet sanding and buffing.
Originally posted by chumanga
yes the body is perfect, it has around 80k miles... btw its a 85 hotair, but the motor and trans have been rebuilt, just finishing things up, the question came to me since i recently sold one of my other cars fixed some problems and didnt get anymore for fixing it but since this is more of a collecters car i wasnt sure what others thought.

and as far as what it would cost for everything besides the sanding i would say from 2-4k depending on how much sanding... i am doing everything but spraying the car, im even going to mask it off... so im paying for primer paint and clear and for some booth time. sanding it to metal having primer sprayed then guide coat, blocking it, then primer and blocking again, paint paint paint, clear clear clear clear clear clear, and then alot of wet sanding and buffing.

Are you taking all the trim ,bumper's and side glass an all that for a nice job ??? :confused: Selling an 85 you may need all the help you can get :p
yep, taking all the trim, door handles, keylocks, brake lights, head lights (repainting these also), side glass for sure, havent looked at the rest of the glass yet to see what i should do with it but ya im not just masking things off im going to take off what i can dont need anything coming up from skipping steps...
Leave it alone.

A prospective buyer knows what he's getting when he gets original paint. When he gets a repaint he has forking no idea.

A wise man once said a car is only original once. It can be repainted a million times.

Let the new owner cut his own throat, if he chooses to do so. Then, HE can get a $15K or $200 job, as HE sees fit...

(Most) painters SUK...

k ill go wiht strike:D

less hassle and it will be gone much sooner it would take me a while to finish

thanks for the replies everyone :D