Internal Hemorrhaging of a 109

Jerryl, his comment about belly buttons was refering to just swapping in an 86-87 engine system and making it just like a belly button. You know......EVERYONE has one. Inferring that you need to be different.

Oh, I assure you, A.J., he IS different. I think Jerryl has a hand growing out of his forehead.;):biggrin:

Jerryl, when is that hot air car gonna run?

Jerryl, Are you any relation to these guys? Cool stuff they come up with.
Nye Thermodynamics Corporation ;)
Jerryl, his comment about belly buttons was refering to just swapping in an 86-87 engine system and making it just like a belly button. You know......EVERYONE has one. Inferring that you need to be different.

Oh, I assure you, A.J., he IS different. I think Jerryl has a hand growing out of his forehead.;):biggrin:

Jerryl, when is that hot air car gonna run?

Jerryl, Are you any relation to these guys? Cool stuff they come up with.
Nye Thermodynamics Corporation ;)


you know me.... just stirring the pot!


somebody has to be a hot air nazi!
