Installed an oil catch can today


No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
Dec 9, 2002
This is just to show how I installed an oil catch can on my T. I have decided for me it was worth trying one out to see if it makes a difference in the oil that gets into the throttle body. The bracket is a piece of 1/8" thick aluminum from Home Depot. I made a template to run it off the A/C box and fabricated the bracket. The catch can is a JLT item that cost about $120. They are mostly made to work with Mustangs but the size and mounting holes made the bracket design and location easy . The line is silicone I had from another project. There is a US Plastics check valve in the line that I had from the old line. So time will tell what accumulates in there.
brilliant! did you take apart the can to see what's inside? i'm going to make up my own, wondering if they put a baffle or what inside to separate the oil? excellent work :)
Looks good, I had a set up similar to that with a clear bowl. would see an oil mist coat in , but never enough to drain it, right now im experimenting with RJC pcv valve, so far it seems to be working
Looks good, but I don't see the value in paying that much as opposed to one off of ebay. Unless you overflow it, the oil is not going to make it to the TB on any version.
Real nice job. PS. you could eat out of that engine bay!! Literally cleaner than my kitchen table.
Looks factory install.
Very nice! Great job keeping it clean & simple , I agree with Joe that it looks like it could be a factory install........well done!

I've got some catch cans on mine a pair of them actually......(one for the PCV system & one for the valve covers) have had em on for years & swear by them (just have to look at the oil caught in them to know they are working hard to keep things cleaner on the inside of your plenum & intercooler).

Thanks. After surveying the area that just looked like the easiest spot to hang it. I spent days checking every website for catch cans some more some less expensive. The JLT seemed right for where it was going. The other I like was from Conceptual Polymers but it was more money.
I had some smoking on mine that I couldn't figure out. Pulled it all apart and pulled the motor to do some changing around. I noticed oil in the intake but all areas before the throttle body was clear of any oil. The RJC pcv valve and hose going up to was full of oil. Not sure how being as it sat above the valley pan...I almost think the return from the turbo was shooting oil on top of the valley pan and it was just sucking it up. Definitely gonna pay attention to it when I put it back together, ditching the RJC valve, and doing one of these probably from RevXtreme though. High quality piece and tons of r&d done on them. Can't wait to hear how it works for you.
Here's some old pics of my dual AMW catch can set up. I've change things around over the winter increasing the valve cover catch can to use 5/8" ID hose & fittings & am going to vent both valve covers into it, then back into the MAF pipe (similar to the factory set up).

AMW catch cans 005.jpg

AMW catch cans 001.jpg
Coming out of storage Friday, if it doesn't snow. Then it's up on blocks for other items that need attention. Never ends.
Hi Pronto, Do still connect to the PVC even if you used a check valve in the line? And if you do still use the PVC why use a check valve in the line? Thanks