injetctor sizes


New Member
Aug 23, 2006
wanst sure what size the injectros were on my gn so i looked at em and got a number. I had a hard time seeing the first number it was either 5or6 207009. anyone know what size these are?? i was assuming they are 009's since that is the last 3 digits, if so what size are these?? thanks again. Nick
never mind guys i did a search and im pretty sure they are the tomco 30# green stripes. i wanna order the msd 50# injectors but i dont know the best place to get em?? i saw some on summits website but wasnt sure if they were the right ones for our cars. also im ordering a scantool tonight and was wondering if their was anything else required with it?? someone told me you need a MAF translator but i want sure. thanks again. Nick
I'v got the green stripe "009" they are lucas 30lb'ers to run the new injectors as long as they are high inpedence you just need a new chip. I would say contact Eric Marshall he burns "Turbo Tweek" chips. I have had my new chip about 2 weeks and WOW :eek: What a diffrence over the Conley's Mini Mag chip. Just old vs new. Also lots of adjustablity in Eric's chip from within the car. You must have a scanmaster or direct scan IF you want to "tweek" on the timing or fuel curve in the chip. Good Luck Jon Hanson
I just ordered the scanmaster 2.1 and an RJC boost controller. The boost seems like its kind of unstable. It will stop right at 14 pounds in 1st and 2nd but then in 3rd or 4th the boost will spike to like 15-15 1/2 pounds. is this a common problem?? After i install those im gonna order a 3" dp w/ dump, 50# injectors, TT chip, and some DR's. hopefully then ill be able to hang with my dads supercharged WS6 ha ha.