Ingrateful teenagers/kids


Asian man #1
Dec 7, 2002
I post on another forum (filled with mainly 14-17 year olds), stating I was going Air Force Pararescue or Combat control.

Not only do they put me down, but they put down the Air Force also.

People saying the "Air Force Sucks", "When is the last time someone said, thank god we have the air force", "Army is better than Air Force", "You don't do **** in the Air Force", "We don't need the Air Force".

Yeah, granted, the Air Force is regarded as "The Chair Force", but I don't care what it is, you don't put down something like that. If we didn't have the Air Force, our country wouldn't be a superpower, might not even be here.

And, last time I checked, Pararescuemen and CCT's go through way more training/schooling than army/marines (disregarding rangers, force recon, army special forces). CCT's go through approx. 24 months of schools and training before they earn their scarlet beret.

I wouldn't be so upset, but I can just sit and watch someone talk trash on something they know about =x.

I guess this was just a vent, but how many of you TB guys out there no lazy no good people sitting on their chair bashing the Military?
Uh.. what else did you expect? You need to look at the source. If you really take it seriously then you're just as bad. Don't lose a minutes sleep over it. I remember when I was younger I didn't fully understand the importance of our military. All I thought was, I'm not a person to take orders very well so I won't do well in the military. As I have matured, I have learned that very importance and would never dare to put down the military.

Don't worry about it.
I'm with 85GN the military is not for me, I don't take orders well.
but you will NEVER hear a bad word out of my mouth, or any one I hang with, about our service men! they all have a job to do. my dad was in the USAF, & my brother was in the Navy, I have the upmost respect for these men. I have a good friend that served in desert storm & vol. to go back to take Sadam down. he said he's seen combat & if he can save 1 18 year old from having to see it he's happy. tell me that is not an american hero! I may not allways agree with our gov't but I will always SUPPORT OUR TROOPS !
Consider the source and disregard it. The only person more sad than he who is only a tough guy on the internet is the guy on the other end who believes it.

Whether you're going Air Force or Metrosexual, don't announce on the 'net without expecting some dumba$$es to respond.
If the post was mainly 14-17 year olds then they need to shut their cake-holes:eek: What do a bunch of wet behind the ears little punks who have been raised on a steady diet of left-wing cowardice have to say that is of ANY importance? They would rather be hugging trees while driving mom and dad's SUV to a Greenpeace rally or a "Save the Plague Infested Norwegian Rat March" than defend the freedom that they enjoy. Although a former Marine myself, I hold Pararescue in high regard. They put thier a** es on the line for their comrades; we don't leave our men behind:)
Don't worry though, when you get finished with training and go home on leave, those losers will still be in their basements playing "Rainbow Six" or "Medal of Honor", talking the talk,:eek: while you'll be walking the walk:cool:
Screw 'em
Semper Fi
take it from someone that has been around for a few days in the military, it is a journey that you will travel by yourself, you will not get a pat on the back and a go get-em very often, when the country is not at war, your nothing but a tax burden and only reconized by your fellow service members, active or seperated, get used to the comments, the looks and when you get to your permenant station where you will live, you will come to realize a new form of shady characters and distaste for the military, cause the locals only want one thing, your money on the 1st and the 15th, other than that the don't wana see ya, enjoy your time in.
Grant Farmer
It is irony if you think about it. These kids are able to voice their opinions because we live in a democracy. How did we get to the point we are at now? Our military. Because of our military we won the Revolutionary War, ended WWII and kept Hilter from ruling the world, and now ridded the world of a family of crazy men. My friend served 4 years in the Air Force and is still in the reserves. He just finished 1 1/2 years of activation. I have another friend who is a Captain in the National Guard. He spent 1 1/2 years in Iraq. He missed the first 9 months of his little girls life. I have nothing but respect for these people whether they are flying planes or emptying waste baskets.

14-17 year olds have no clue what life is like. I would love to join that forum and go off on them a little bit.
Originally posted by strikeeagle
I didn't take orders well either, but they beat that out of you, so don't let that stop you...

I was thinking that same thing as I read it! LOL! Joining the military (also USAF) was the single hardest and smartest move I made as a young man. Correction...boy. I wasn't a man until after I joined. I only thought I was.

Let these teenage pinheads ramble on. In a VERY few years, many of them will be in the military themselves. Count on it. They have no idea what the "real world" is like yet. But it's bearing down on them like a freight train......
You have to keep in mind the most experience these kids have is behind the joy stick of a PlayStation. They have no way or desire to know what is up in the world. Seems to me the Air Force is what goes in first to help weaken the enemy for the ground troops. Be proud of what you are doing and consider they have only been out of diapers for less than 12 years.
when you get to your permenant station where you will live, you will come to realize a new form of shady characters and distaste for the military, cause the locals only want one thing, your money on the 1st and the 15th, other than that the don't wana see ya

That's the greatest advice anyone will give you before going in. Remember that and don't get suckered.

Other than that, screw the kids. What can a 14 year old say to piss you off anyway? They can't even drive yet.

I heard a rumour that there is a draft on the horizion. A lot of those kids will be WISHING that they joined, but they'll just be infantry.
Now i'm 17 and like most 17 year olds don't know much about politics or government (havn't taken economics or government yet :) ) but those guys are idiots. Don't they remember the "First Strike" of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The whole first strike was mainly the Air Force and what about the intelligence that we get from the air. Now i'm no FDR or Bush Senior but i obviously know more than those ignorant punks. What can i say; i drive a Buick and not mommys 4 Runner.

Originally posted by BADASS86GN
Now i'm 17 and like most 17 year olds don't know much about politics or government (havn't taken economics or government yet :) ) but those guys are idiots. Don't they remember the "First Strike" of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The whole first strike was mainly the Air Force and what about the intelligence that we get from the air. Now i'm no FDR or Bush Senior but i obviously know more than those ignorant punks. What can i say; i drive a Buick and not mommys 4 Runner.

this goes to show not all of the younger generation are tree hugging, arrogant, bone heads
I am currently in the Navy (8 years so far), and I never have understood the whole military branch machismo. I believe every branch is as valuable as the next that goes for the Coast Guard too, believe me those guys are not pussies. Most of us here on this board would not be able to stomach 14 foot swells trying to rescue a ship is distress.
You hear a lot of trash talking mostly from Army and Marines. But they are proud and they should be, but even they have to respect other branches. And for what your going into (if you make it) Para Rescue is no joke, and no one can talk smack about those guys.
It is sad though about the kids that razzed you on the other board. I would say just shrug it off, but it even makes me mad, to think that the majority of the teen generation is more concerned about TRL, JoLo, Britney, and all the rest of the crap MTV plays. Such people should not be allowed to have an opinion. They don't really give a **** that there is a war going on right now and that many young Americans are paying in blood.
Young kids just want to be young kids and there is nothing wrong with that. But in a time of war you think they would be more concerned. Sad.
Anyway good luck in Para Rescue, I've heard it is very tough (one of the toughest our military offers).
The disrespect comes from BAD PARENTING! Spend the time with your kids and teach them right from wrong. Our society has devalued the family unit. Too many parents "give them what they want" just to shut them up.
The sad thing about the thought patterns of these youths is that here in California the legislature is trying to submit a law to give 14 year old and up a 1/4 vote. Now that is a scary thought.
Did you post that at There's pretty much nothing but kids like that over there...some great info in spots but too many immature kids that run the damn place...