I gotta sell MY broken emblems too!

I bought the "highest quality" EGT kit that he sells. Its the all black one (no yellow) with the larger-looking screen. Have to say its the simplest to use, most accurate EGT I've seen. Has 2 inputs and peak hold, too. Hes an alright guy to deal with. Don't know why he selling "half" an emblem. LOL
Re: emblems

Originally posted by Drew L
Anyone with broken emblems, they can be repaired easily. Drew

Not if he does sell you the "turbo"

Good one!! How about anyone ELSE. Serious, I have repaired about 6 emblems that were broken. I had all the pieces!!LOL. Drew:)
Ummm, wellll,....I just glued mine back on the car. It's now a 2-piece emblem! Just a little tiny crack, that's all.;)
Quality is job 1

bolts to the crankshaft pulley, one fan is broken off but still functions, great if you have a font mount intercooler and you want to convert it back to stock

A quote from Tombstone:

Don't mind him, he's just drunk......that's all!