Huge relocating sale

A/C Compressor

Sent PayPal payment for an a/c compressor. Your office calculated shipping and this was included.


Do you have any good black used carpet?

What would total be shipped to 64111?
Do you have a nice GN header panel?
Looking for an OE not after market.
i need a 84 to 86 gn grill that aint had nothing done to it.i also need a set of upper door panels.i will also need a door lock switch without the chrome popping off but i might have to wait a little bit
thxs nctyphoons son
i need a 84 to 86 gn grill that aint had nothing done to it.i also need a set of upper door panels.i will also need a door lock switch without the chrome popping off but i might have to wait a little bit
thxs nctyphoons son

What you are asking for we have multiples & mutiples of. Let me know when you are ready.If you need a new 86 Grill I can get them as well.
are the rear seat cloth interior panels still availble, if so are they the color for the gns? do you happen to have front bumper shocks aswell?