How long till we blow IRAQ to h***??


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TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Dec 7, 2002
Whats the time frame here ladies and gents? How long till we start "throwing rocks" over to ol Saddam? How long do you think his loyal troops will last.:rolleyes:

What do you think UNGN and Grant,,,,whats your opinions?
I am not sure, but I think this one will be a huge waste of human life, very bloody. Mark my words, this particular conflict will be long and drawn out. Saddam will fire at the Jews the first opportunity he gets, in an attempt to have his fellow Arab nations join in his effort. I am all for dis-arming him, but with it comes a high cost : Death of innocent civilians, childeren.
So Sad-
Originally posted by Doctor Evil
I am not sure, but I think this one will be a huge waste of human life, very bloody. Mark my words, this particular conflict will be long and drawn out. Saddam will fire at the Jews the first opportunity he gets, in an attempt to have his fellow Arab nations join in his effort. I am all for dis-arming him, but with it comes a high cost : Death of innocent civilians, childeren.
So Sad-

Not with a nuke it wont be long and drawn out!!!!!

I say lets get it over with, and get rid of the lousy as*wipes
I am not sure, but I think this one will be a huge waste of human life, very bloody. Mark my words, this particular conflict will be long and drawn out. Saddam will fire at the Jews the first opportunity he gets, in an attempt to have his fellow Arab nations join in his effort. I am all for dis-arming him, but with it comes a high cost : Death of innocent civilians, childeren.
Actually the U.S. just helped Isreal test a defensive ballistic missle. So when Sadam does shoot a missle at Isreal they will knock it out of the sky then Isreal will be the ones pressing the button and killing everyone in the middle east.:D But I don't think that is going to happen without U.S. approval, and our government won't approve something like that. I do think that Isreal will be bombarded with Hamas suicide bombers during this conflict.
This war will be drawn out because our troops will have to police Iraq mostley Bagdad after we knock Sadam out from his regime. We will be there just like we are in Afganistan waiting for those bastards to start a democratic government.
I can't wait till this war is over. Cheaper gas.:D
I am guilty of saying things like "turn them into a sheet of glass" and things like that but the truth is there are millions of innocent people over there. They are so desperate from decades of poverty and humiliation that they will listen to freaks that get them to strap bombs to themselves and kill Jews, just for the world's attention.

If they only had the BALLS to rise up and throw out their dictators they could be every bit as wealthy as we are, since Iraq has the 2nd or 3rd largest oil reserves in the world.

Why cant they figure this out?
Don't worry. You've been listening to too many democrats and the likes of Clooney, Sarandon, and the rest of the lefty wimps with their propaganda. Those Iraqis, like before, will be surrendering to the first reporter they see. They have no reason to fight. I don't thing they're as stupid as they seem. If I'm wrong, we will obliterate them.
We have to move by or before mid-March because our guys can't handle the heat in Chem Warfare battle dress, as average temps keep rising daily. London bookies give even odds for the first week in March.

Here's an Iraq Tracker link:

Powell said all that we're going to say, pre-invasion, today at the UN.

I said it before and I'll say it again. I would fully expect that nutcase Saddam to actually USE chemical weapons on our troops. What does he have to lose? He knows if we go in there again he is done for. At that point why not use the chemical agents? This thing is liable to be a real mess.

Saddam doesn't care about how violent a U.S. response would be to an Iraqi chemical attack on U.S. troops. He doesn't care about his own people anyway. If Saddam starts gassing our troops in mass the U.S. had better be prepared to bust out the nukes and just get it over with. I mean kill every last one of the bast*rds, man, woman, and child. Kill everything that moves, walks, slithers, or crawls. I'm not kidding either. Somewhere along the line when we all got McDonalds, Nintendo, and TIVO we forgot that civilians actually die in a war. Thank God we didn't fight World War 2 that way. Sorry, but if we off a few Iraqi kids that's the way it goes. For every one that dies that will be one less soldier down the road pointing a rifle at an American kid one day. I can live with that. Those are the ugly choices we have to make today.
I am not sure, but I think this one will be a huge waste of human life, very bloody. Mark my words, this particular conflict will be long and drawn out. Saddam will fire at the Jews the first opportunity he gets, in an attempt to have his fellow Arab nations join in his effort. I am all for dis-arming him, but with it comes a high cost : Death of innocent civilians, childeren.

WWII, both sides bombed the hell out of cities. We fight a new kind of war that is the most humane that war can be.We saw what a small amont of Anthrax can do to a country, and Iraq has a huge stockpile they cannot account for.Unless I hear a viable option for war, i'm sticking with it. We have tried everything. We kicked his ass once (apparently not hard enough though), we tried sanctions, we said turn in all your weapons off mass destruction, and we even offered him exile.

I understand that the Iraqi people are taught never to let an invading army into Bagdad,especially us, but I beleive because of the bad conditions these people have had to live in, most will surrender. I'm also sure that returning soldiers that surrendered during the gulf war told people how they were treated fairly and humanely. I'm just worried abut how much of these munitions and technology would be brought across the border to Iran when we invade. We have proof that some of Al-Queda has taken up residense in northern Iran, and if you listened to Powell, northern Iraq.

A couple of people with some anthrax, smallpox, etc.. can shut down an entire country. If you think the economy is bad now, Imagine it when people are afraid to come out of their house and go to work. This would be the point to worry about the fate of the innocent. Our government would have to react fast and react decisively, and that would problably start WWIII.
ive sed it once and ill say it again, im not worried about war. **** they are a starveing country, sure innocent people will die but thats life. if we dont step in he can do a whole lot more damage then he will if we do.

you cant fight a war with out people dieing but you can die with fighting a war. its unavodable, just look at it this way, better them then us.
**** missiles, war, this and that, if the country is so worried about saddam, send some ****ing navy seals over there and assasinate his ass already... or is it only ok to do that while destroying thousands of other people too, scorching the skies and blowing holes in the earth?
Well, we've accomplished our purpose, which is that if Saddam uses WMDs he's a liar, and deserving of any punishment we dole out.

Possible scenarios (I'm sure there are others):

1. We fight, Saddam doesn't use WMDs, and we prevail in 30 minutes or less.

2. We fight, Saddam does use WMD, everybody shuts their pie-holes for all eternity because we told you so, and we prevail in 30 minutes or less.

3. We stand down, and sometime in the future, Saddam or someone traceable to him uses WMDs on Americans or American allies, and we turn the entire Middle East into a giant chunk of glass.

Whatever. I'm sick to death of all the politically correct, bleeding heart, fat azz, do nothing, draft dodging, belly aching whiners that this country seems to turn out like so many jellybeans. I extend my full support to our elected officials, period. To the rest of the world, shame on you for forgetting 9/11 so quickly...

Originally posted by JayLashua
**** missiles, war, this and that, if the country is so worried about saddam, send some ****ing navy seals over there and assasinate his ass already... or is it only ok to do that while destroying thousands of other people too, scorching the skies and blowing holes in the earth?

Maybe we should have tried that with Hitler and Hirohito as well? :rolleyes: Like a bunch of white guys with rifles dropped in to a Muslim country by helicopter would even get close to Saddam. I wish it was that easy.
Right on----------------

Strike Eagle,,,well said, VERY WELL!
Originally posted by strikeeagle
Whatever. I'm sick to death of all the politically correct, bleeding heart, fat azz, do nothing, draft dodging, belly aching whiners that this country seems to turn out like so many jellybeans. I extend my full support to our elected officials, period. To the rest of the world, shame on you for forgetting 9/11 so quickly...


Absolutely right. These people are communists or worse and don't give a damn about the country. And instead of supporting the President in wartime, the dems are totally political and will do or say anything to get back in power. Those people have no integrity. They figure if they throw out enough lies over and over, people will believe it. Well, they're right. Thank God for the all the talk shows with common sense who explain our side.
WHEN? Within next 2 weeks sounds close

Remember the old Spring weather saying about March?

"If March begins like a lamb, it ends like a lion." <--ever hear that?

Pretty much like Iraq's forecast...Dark skies & raining bombs expected soon...VERY soon.