How is everybody this Monday?


Feb 26, 2002
Just wondering how everybodies weekends went. I know we have the devils buick down here right now so its been a long one for us!
i went to the dmv to get my license reinstated today. waited outside in line for 40 minutes at the butt crack of dawn only to discover that the dmv is closed today. why may you ask? alabama has a state holiday today. its jefferson davis' birthday. i can't get my license because this state of alabama gives all its employees the day off for the birthday of some hick that 140 years ago committed treason and started his own country in the south.

on top of that. the sign the dmv people made that said today was a holiday was taped up backwards on the outside door so you could only read it from the inside.:rolleyes:
What kind of racist hillbillies run that state. A state holiday for a pro-slavery leader of an illegal country. Gotta love the south. They just cant give it up can they?:rolleyes:

HAHA speaking of rednecks i got to see larry the cable guy live sunday. That dude is even funnier in person. oh and im at work so my Monday kinda sucks. I had to start the day off with a squadron wide pee test. lol gotta love Mondays. Harry
well im glad to hear that we're not the only ones out here that had a rough week! So im taking it that you werent the only one standing in line at the DMV right. How did you figure it out that the place was closed?
some lady from the city showed up around 10 till 8 and told everyone what was going on. and i think someone was so bored up front that they managed to read the sign backwards through the window after getting the sun to hit the paper just right just to make sure it was correct. some of the people were waiting there since 6am :eek: no one moved for a couple minutes after we found out cause no one wanted to lose their spot in line lol.

i got there around 720-730 and there was about 30 people in line already.
i think i would be a little upset to say the least! I guess that those DMV employees dont have to be the smartest people to get a job.
i'm just glad all the black people in line didn't know why the place was closed. cause if i was them and found out why i couldn't get into get my license after waiting for an hour or two i would have burnt the damn place to the ground lol
Originally posted by crownvic96
i went to the dmv to get my license reinstated today. waited outside in line for 40 minutes at the butt crack of dawn only to discover that the dmv is closed today. why may you ask? alabama has a state holiday today. its jefferson davis' birthday. i can't get my license because this state of alabama gives all its employees the day off for the birthday of some hick that 140 years ago committed treason and started his own country in the south.

on top of that. the sign the dmv people made that said today was a holiday was taped up backwards on the outside door so you could only read it from the inside.:rolleyes:

Let me understand, you're mad because the state of Alabama has a holiday for a confederate president? Well just because its southern history its history just the same! I'm very proud to be southern and I don't have a problem with any historical holiday. We celibrate other presidents birthdays don't we? If it had been Lincoln's birthday would you have said you were mad because some carpetbagger bleeding heart that that threw this country into war and killed more Americans than any other conflict? No, so I just thought I'd express my feelings on that ignorant statement!
Huntsville's just a stone's throw (southern term) from the state line if you don't like Alabama.. Then again, you probably wouldn't care for Tennessee either!!


And we probably shouldn't even go into why your license had to be "reinstated"..

Well, I almost did as bad the hosers at the pawn shop didn't get my FOID # (illinois gun thing) so they couldn't do the background check so they couldn't get me my gun. Afer getting it the next day, I went out and shot off a few boxes with a coupla buddies. It was so damn hot we didn't even finish the expensive ammo! Went and did a side job Sunday for the boss, and frickin sunburned my shoulders like crazy, they're about the same color as a can of coke.
Originally posted by 1ARUNEM
Huntsville's just a stone's throw (southern term) from the state line if you don't like Alabama.. Then again, you probably wouldn't care for Tennessee either!!


And we probably shouldn't even go into why your license had to be "reinstated"..


I was born and raised in Tennessee and all of my dad and his family live up there on land we own. so i wouldn't mind going back there to live. at least they don't have such a stupid state holiday.

regardless if i had gotten a dui or not there were plenty of other people that were inconvenienced besides me yesterday.