How do you overlay older datalogs over a file?

Dave King

Junior Member
May 11, 2003
With the FAST system, when your in your Spark and VE tables, how do you call up an older datalog file to overlay?

Any input is appreciated.
Yup and pressing o while on the ve table brings up the last log you done. What you want to do is , a good third gear pass down the street and log the o2 correction and adjust you table on those cells using the % key, depending on the o2 correction shown. roughly. Remember ve will be highest at peak torque and may not be as high at high rpm, so you numbers shuld be the biggest in the middle of your power band.
You have to copy your log file over the file called temp.log. The overlay function uses temp.log to overlay so whichever file you copy to temp.log will be used.

Also, make sure that when you make your log, the log includes parameters that C-Com needs to plot the log on the VE table (such as RPM and kPa).

-Bob Cunningham