help with reverse lights


87 we4
Apr 23, 2006
the last time i drove the car i noticed that the shifter moved hard going out of park into drive. i figured it was a prob with the cable. i was heading to work and it was light out. on the way home from work, it is now dark as i work overnights, the shifter was still hard and i noticed that my reverse lights were still on while in drive. i played with the shifter for a bit in the driveway and also heard a strange. i remebered that the neutral safety and reverse light switch is under the dash along the steering column. my question is, am i looking at an adjustment issue or a replacement. assuming that my assumptions are correct in the first place.
First, you are going to have to find out what is binding.....probably got something to do with the linkage from the side of the tranny to the steering column (a metal rod), on the engine side of the firewall, should be right off the rear corner of your drivers side valve cover. It sounds like something is binding or is hitting the linkage. Have someone move the shifter while you watch the linkage and see if you can tell what is hanging up. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure you can adjust the switch for the reverse lights, its under the dash, on top of the steering column, if memory serves correct. The collar on the steering column, in front of the ignition key, should turn along with the shifter, from park to low gear. Do some investigating and see what you find.
I agree.

Get a helper to run the shifter while you watch the steering linkage under the hood and under the car.

Also, if you disconnect the shifter cable from the transmission, you should be able the rotate the bracket arm on the side of the tranny very easily. Don't do it with the motor running, and set the e-brake first. You sould hear it ratchet.

If both of these seem ok, them take the cover off of the console. See if something fell in there some how.

This might show the "hard to move issue", but I don't know about the lights.

make sure you get it adjusted correctly so the P/N switch also functions correctly, as the ecu uses that switch for some of it's doings... not sure for what all, but for sure the idle speed, (mine shows programmed idle 750 rpm in Park/Neutral, and 675 rpm NOT in P/N), and I'm not sure, but the 3rd and 4th gear fueling/timing calcs might be affected if the P/N switch is 'on' as the ecu might be 'confused' by seeing both switches 'on'.... I'd think the 3rd and 4th switches would take priority, but not sure. You can see the P/N switch status on your scan tool.... if you have one....
On my 83 ttype, I have noticed that park to reverse doesn't feel as crisp as it used to, sort of sloppy. Just a little bit.I don't have the binding you are experiencing, though. Anyway,also, the backup lights are just a tad erratic,requires some fishing some times to get them to work.Also,when using my scanner,P/N is not always accurate.With the archaic dual linkage system our cars have, there are a few possibilities.Bushings at both ends of the shift rod are a good place to start.I haven't pursued my trouble, as it isn't annoying enough yet. However, the column itself, or the selector assembly on the trans are possibilities. Check the external stuff first, go from there.The P/N switch is easily adjustable by taking the hush panel down and gently rotating the plastic switch at the top of the column, about 6 inches from the firewall.It ratchets right and left 10 degrees or so.I would get your binding and sloppiness problem under control before messing with this, however.
Good luck ,and please keep posting!
i did some checking last night. the snow is melting so i will be driving it again soon. i have a chiltons manual, for what it is worth, and did some reading. anyway, the shifter was not binding anymore and the reverse lights were coming on and off as they should for the most part. i did the switch readjustment as recommended in the book and it rachets back as it should, i did this several times. the only issue as now is when going from park to reverse, the lights do not come on until i move the shifter to neutral and then i can move it back to reverse and the lights will stay on. if i am in drive and go to reverse, the lights come on as they should. questions: do the switches wear out on the inside over time warranting replacement, would a stretched/worn out shifter cable cause the lights to not come on as should, and last, would the metal shifter linkage be out of adjust, if adjustable, to cause it. i will check on the metal linkage, i have never looked at it enough to remember if there were bushings at the pivots. now that my memory is sort of working. the last time i had driven the car, it was pretty cold out, below freezing. maybe some moisture had gotten into somewhere it should not have and froze. unfortunately my garage has been packed with stuff from my house remodel all winter and the car has been parked outside. i am able to park it in a heated garage at work and thaw it out. hence the moisture part. thanks a bunch for the ideas.
Just adjust that metal linkage rod a bit to get it 'perfect'. It's SUPER easy, I just did it 2 days ago. Loosen the bolt (under the car) where the rod attaches to the trans linkage and, let's see..., for you having to push it back up from N to R for the rev. lites, lengthen it just a bit, (loosen the bolt, and the rod can slide up and down inside the 'fitting', slide it up maybe 1/8") and snug the bolt back down and try it. Crawl down and have a look, you'll see....
and check the p/n switch with a scanner.

BTW, the P/N switch is not 'inaccurate', it's either on or off.... it's the adjustment of it that can be inaccurate.....
ah ha, thank you! that was what i was wondering. i was not sure if a stretched cable would not bring the metal linkage into the right spot, or if the the metal linkage was the culprit. but at the same time, i was not sure if the metal connectors inside the switch itself would wear out over the years with repeated movings back and forth. i will try that, thanks again.
i adjusted the metal linkage tonight. i ended up having to slide the rod down to get it right. i did not even have to jack the car up to get to it. while i was down there, i greased up a couple of the pivot points. thanks again.