Help with relocating MAF

i am trying to follow this topic, but i have a question. Are you guys blowing boost through a maf? How is that possible? Wouldn't it come apart? How could it read air that dense? Why do that?

Originally posted by turbo2nr
i am trying to follow this topic, but i have a question. Are you guys blowing boost through a maf? How is that possible? Wouldn't it come apart? How could it read air that dense? Why do that?

You have to be using a late model MAF, ie LT1 style.

Making HP is about letting the ecm get as accurate info as possible. The closer to the intake valve, that you sense the intake airflow, and temp., the more accuarte the ecm can figure out the amount of air entering the engine, and then the proper amount of fuel and timing. With the LT1 type sensor they have the temp correction built into them, so reloacting the MAF acomplices both goals.

Plus for what ever amount of restriction a MAF is, a turbo can more effectively blow thur it then draw thrur it. A turbo is a great pressure pump, but a lousy suction pump.
The other thing is that its a MAF sensor not a volume flow sensor. It doesn't care how dense the air is. Since its a hot wire anemometer it would screw up if the air temp went higher than the operating temperture of the little resistors in the airflow.

After the turbo the air is more dense (even with heating due to inefficiency in the turbo) but the mass flow (g/s) is the same anywhere in the system (the heat content keeps changing though). Therefore if the mass flow is a constant and the density went up then the velocity will be lower through the MAF if its after the turbo. Flow drag caused by the MAF varies with the square of the flow speed so the effective drag on the flow caused by the MAF drops down a lot when its on the post-turbo side of the system.

The biggest problem is that due to having to cram the MAF into the system where there is no room its hard to get a nice installation where the flow is nice and even through the MAF. This is why you might need to play with the MAF tables, because the sensor reads a little differently.

But of course the stock style plastic MAF will simply explode, I hear someone actually did it once.
in arlington heights, il there is a place called ams. it is an import shop and they have the 3 3/16 hose to fit the lt1 maf fits very well without grease. the web site is
I just can't believe this would result in much of a performance gain to be worth the effort. A maf is pretty much empty space with a small plate in it. Wouldn't the air filter be much more of a restriction? I guess you could remove it for drag racing, but I just can't see that much restriction with a large maf sensor. You guys must be board! Can't you find another way to go fast! Like a more efficient flux capacitor, or better dilithium crystal configurations? All that time in finding parts, tuning, etc. just for a .001% decrease in restriction?

seeing that nobody can make a good replacment stock maf, it would be easier to change over to the lt1 or ls1 maf and translater and if the maf is closer to the throttle body there is a better throttle responce.
Originally posted by turbo2nr
I just can't believe this would result in much of a performance gain to be worth the effort. A maf is pretty much empty space with a small plate in it. Wouldn't the air filter be much more of a restriction? I guess you could remove it for drag racing, but I just can't see that much restriction with a large maf sensor. You guys must be board! Can't you find another way to go fast! Like a more efficient flux capacitor, or better dilithium crystal configurations? All that time in finding parts, tuning, etc. just for a .001% decrease in restriction?


Did you read the posts above or not? The results obtained were noted clearly. Check other posts on this topic and read bruce's article on GNTTYPE. You don't have to believe any of this at all, but it would be to your detriment. Most people who have tried it have seemingly kept it, are you saying they are all wrong?

Your point about the air cleaner is true but its tougher to put it after the turbo than the MAF. It would show even more improvement if it were moved.
i have not searched for any info on this subject, I do not know anything about the performance gains. Do you know of any manufacturer doing this? Relax about the questions. I was just askin. um-k? I do not see any info on a performance gain in this thread. The sensor placed before the turbo should read just a little ahead of the air going in the throttle body, maby .01sec difference. Only the time it takes for the intercooler and piping to get pressurized. But when building boost on the line, you have plenty of time for the maf to get settled down. We are not road racing, going on and off the throttle, looking for that fast throttle response out of corners. I just don't see that the restriction is all that great, almost like holding a piece of paper sideways in the wind. But, to each his own. Maby one day the companys making turbo cars will learn from you guys.


Who is Bruce? Bruce Lee?
Anyone can make all the assumptions they want, but without having any experience in trying it, all they are spouting is opinion.
Depending on car, the differences may or may not be a big change, it's about how close the intial state of tune is. But, by using the Translator, and the late MAF, it then allows you to move the IAT sensor into the Plenum, and use it as a MAT sensor. Then in populating the IAT/MAT timing correction, you will allow the engine/car to be more consistant in it's performance. Just thinking about that for a moment should allow you to see the difference in how the more accurate the tune, with more valid corrections, the better the car will run. Look back to the Apr, and Oct Tech area, and look for threads about lose of performance or detonation. Why?, the that's when the fuel manufacurers change brews and the temps change enough that the stock calibrations, go out to lunch.

While some folks like to brag about a certain mod being worth .X amount, I don't since there are too many variables to make any claim that would be universally true. But in this thread 2 experimenters tried it, and both picked up 1 PSI. So there is something going on.
if you want a performance improvement, invest in a speed density system that runs in closed loop (WB 02) and lose the maf altogether!

that is the way us dumb guys do it.........

I seriously doubt you'll find any dragstrip improvement (other than retaining your headgaskets) by relocating your maf:)