help with readings


New Member
Oct 22, 2002
just dropped rebuilt motor in . im new at the tr stuff , i got a small idle stumble , my idle screw is almost all the way backed out? i found that when i tried to adjust iac reading that wont com down anymore than77 . can anyone help me or give me an idea?? after my first ride around the block i jotted these readings

o2s 464 - 660
knock stays 0.0
af 6
L8 50
BAT 13.2 13.6
INT 122
BL 130
CLT 192
ATS 117 132
R 725
TPS 44
IAC 77 81
CC 202
MAL 00

the motor has a upgraded postons cam , pwr plate , stock inj , 20 deg 95 octain chip ( precision burnt) 160 thermo , stock turbo, and a k&n filter thats about it.

any help would be greatly appreciated

thanks mike
IAC and TPS remember, their married!

Hi there,

Remember that any time that you adjust the idle air screw, in or out, that you are also changing your TPS setting.

You must be able to read both of those settings while monkeying around with either.

Take some time and try to adjust screw and the idle TPS setting so that you end up with 0 IAC counts, while establishing an idle TPS of .46

This has worked very well for me, however every car is different, and you must be willing to spend some time tweaking YOUR specific combo.

In regards to the TPS setting, get your wide open TPS set to 4.80 or so, and then tighten the lower of the two screws on your TPS sensor. Then, using that lower screw as a Pivot point, you can loosen the top screw and move the sensor up or down to adjust your idle TPS setting while moving the IAC screw in and out. It'll take some time, but it will work by watching your numbers and just going back and forth with the Idle TPS and IAC settings.

Good luck!
