Heater box WTF.


New Member
May 6, 2002
I need some help on removing my heater/ac box from my 85 T.

Is there any special trick to doing this. It seems like the iner fender well has to be removed but inorder to get all the bolts out of that my heater box has to be removed WTF. Am I missing something here. I have the fan out and the whole top of the box off, and heater core just need the box its self out.

Thanks in advance for your help.
No I got that part done. I have done my fare share of heater cores in G-bodys. The whole box its slef is what im looking to get rid of. Sorry for the confusion (sp)
You need to remove the inner fender well and the whole dash.
The box pivots out through the engine compartment. The porblem is that the box goes all the way over towards the gas pedal inside the car. The dash has to come out to make room for it to swing.