

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
hello people; Anyone going to take there cars out today? 07/06/10 I hear it's going to be close to 100 degrees. I havn't had mine out to much as when I got my new tires I had them put the balance weights on the inside and it's not correct.I have to get the car back so they can give it another shot.
Just curious.
Mine will be staying in the air conditioned garage. Going to be in the 100's here today. Went to a cruise Sunday when it was in the high 90's but not many cars showed up. Humidity was still low though. Today, a different story. :eek: Getting ready to go up on the roof here at work to rig up some sprinklers to spray on the condensers to help them out! Stupid building has 100% outside air AC units on the patient wings!:rolleyes:
Hello people; TR custom I could tell by the pics of you car it had to be kept inside but in AC, pretty nice. Also pretty nice car.
Man is it hot. By the thermometer on my lizard's cage it is 101* right now. Awful. I have no A/C so you guys are freaking lucky!
I'm thinking of heading out to Best Buy for an efficient Frigidaire 6K or so unit. :cool:

Gonna be taking the GN as it has Duracool and R12.

The WE4 has 134. ;)

It's not that bad out there. :p
I spent all day working at my shop....Now I know why pizzas cook so well in brick ovens.

102 in Philly! We are melting. Well I've been in the AC 90% of the day/eve so it's all good. I took my truck today to charge the AC up. That is the best time to top off your AC system when it's this hot! If the mech can get it blowing cold then in the days when it's in the 80's and 90's it will blow ice cubes! :D

The Phillies are playing tonight and the local news tested the heat on the plastic chairs in the sun and it was 145 degrees! Hate to be sitting on those to watch a ball game!

And the crazy part is exactly 5 months ago today Philadelphia was hit with the worst snow storm in 100 years! I keep thinking about how cold it was those days and it helps a tiny bit... I think! :eek: :D
Ended up in the WE4 anyway, all my electronics tools are in it.

Had to troubleshoot a refrigerator that died today, good thing they had central air there. :cool:

GE side by side, probably the main circuit board, the internet helped with the diagnosis.

They need a professional repairman now, and lots of coolers and ice. :eek:

WE4 with the R134a barely cut it on the 10 mile drive. :p

Also got my fathers 10K BTU installed in his living room and he's actually gonna use it. :biggrin:

Anything over 100 I guess he feels. :p
spent most of the day working in bilges of boats sweating my butt off - felt good to get home and hop in the lake
Come on we get one 99 degree day a year and your all upset LOL.

Should have been down Cape with me PAINTING the GARAGE/WORKSHOP for 8 hours :p

Topped out at 101 yesterday. I know you're pain, I've been painting every weekend for months.
Cape Cod? You have a shop there?

No a 2nd home there.. well I am on the DEED.. when the inlaws pass it will be wife & mine.

I have stored a few cars there over the years but found Cape Cod to be a HUMID location. The garage is not climate controlled.

SOMEDAY I will get to sell the F-ing place and build a super garage with a Man cave up here in NH.... NO LIKE CAPE TRAFFIC, No like MASS ( I am an escapee)!
I DO LIKE CAPE BIKINI's as LONG as they are not on WHALES or GUYS :biggrin:
Ahh I see, Well next time your going to be around, (and have the Limited) Ill drop by, or maybe you can. I am not to far off from the Cape (maybe 20 Miles at most?). Would be nice to meet a fellow TR enthusiast.
Ahh I see, Well next time your going to be around, (and have the Limited) Ill drop by, or maybe you can. I am not to far off from the Cape (maybe 20 Miles at most?). Would be nice to meet a fellow TR enthusiast.

Do they still have the Tuesday night Show at BOURNE voc tech school? or anything OFF cape near plymouth?

Where is Plympton near?
All this heat makes for long work days for me, Tuesday was 102 degrees in the shade in hudson & bedford. 118 in the direct sun(on a roof). What a week to fix air conditioning. I'd rather the 22 degree weather. Thought about taking the GN out afterwork tuesday but a jump in a pool was needed. (and I took the a/c out of the GN)