Guide to purchase a turbo buick

For someone who was not born with the knowledge of TB's there's some good stuff on that list that is useful and he obviously spent some time putting it together. You have your opinion, I have mine. Nitpicking someones work after the fact is easy...
Not sure. Looks like he spent the time to pull info from various sources and put them on one sheet. Some of the info appears to be from Kirbans Buying Guide but there's some other good stuff as well. I've seen many a thread where people ask for "what to look for" when looking at a TB. Sure if you have experience with these cars then this list may not be as helpful but if you're just starting out and don't know these cars, a checklist like that comes in handy.

I didn't mean to raise anyone's hairs. I always thought the purpose of this board is to help one another and his checklist, I thought, fits that :).
It does. I'm just keeping an eye out for malicious posts...which this seems to not be. Party on Garth!

currently cutting it the F loose
My concern was more related to the cargraph site which is nothing more than a "gather bot"

currently cutting it the F loose
Here is a Nickels worth of free advice..

Buy a TR you find that has a rebuilt engine with less than 10k on it. I did... Now I own my engine builder half of what I paid for my car and I have a fresh rebuild. (I'm being sarcastic here)

If I could do it all over again, I would have purchased a higher mileage Buick in stockish form. :banghead:
Long as we are giving advice, the more stock and the less owners the better. Once the mods start, the beatings begin. If it needed a rebuild it got beat pretty hard and by an individual who couldn't or didn't tune. If the didn't/couldn't tune it sez a lot about what condition of the rest of the car. Shiny paint and receipts for a fresh build gives and car a shadow that makes me pass. Plenty of original owner or two owner cars. Not near as shiny and will probably need some massaging but you know what you are getting when it is original and well maintained. Even if it is high mileage.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Not sure. Looks like he spent the time to pull info from various sources and put them on one sheet. Some of the info appears to be from Kirbans Buying Guide but there's some other good stuff as well. I've seen many a thread where people ask for "what to look for" when looking at a TB. Sure if you have experience with these cars then this list may not be as helpful but if you're just starting out and don't know these cars, a checklist like that comes in handy.

I didn't mean to raise anyone's hairs. I always thought the purpose of this board is to help one another and his checklist, I thought, fits that :).

This is exactly what I was going for. I didn't post it for the experienced turbo buick people. It's simply to help out the new people in the community or a potential new commer. If they know what to look for with an easy guide to follow, it make the experience of buying these cars less intimating

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
The link to is to assist with finding a car to purchase. There is a HUGE list of cars for Sale. Using it to compare car sales is not even possible with these cars. Condition is everything and find a largely stock car I feel is the best bet, due to it being a fresh start for the new owner to do as they please and not have to clean up after the previous owner.

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