Greetings from Phoenix area


Active Member
Jul 27, 2012
Hey all, I'm turbotroy, the floorboard boy as I was known in 87 with my brand new gn. Put 10k miles on that car the first month I owned it, and the back tires lasted exactly one week. Of course I was 25 years old. Had that car until 2002 when my mechanic "lost" it. Wasn't insured as it was in pieces so waaaa. He did help me out with a replacement and finally ready to play again. I never worked on my gn as I didn't know how, but have really been researching and am totally knocked out by this site. I now know more about these cars from the last 2 weeks of reading then I ever knew before. Also am very impressed with the responses to my few different posts. I'll be getting car sorted out over next few months and hopefully be ready to play when weather cools down. Anyway just wanted to give a shout out and glad your here and looking forward to playing with tr and meeting some cool people around Phoenix. Cheers!