Got a fat ticket (venting)

Originally posted by scottyb
I agree 100%, thats the biggest load of BS I've seen in a while. It's their lame attempt to crack down on "organized street racing". They can impound your car too, even if there's nobody else around. You can get on it in the middle of NOWHERE and get nailed for "street racing", you can accelerate to merge, etc. It's up the descretion of the officer. And guess what, even if YOU are right, it costs you thousands to defend yourself! Sumptin aint right with that.
Hmmm, strange laws. Michigan isn't like that. "Drag Racing" is a speed "contest" which means you're competing with another over a "measured distance". There are other requirements but that's the jist of it.
Originally posted by WakkoSS
Attitude attitude attitude. Many times we are not sure we're gonna write the ticket when we approach. If the person is cool, honest and gives us a reasonable explanation, they're probably not getting the ticket. I love it when someone doesn't have their insurance card. I'll write em for that ($5 ticket) and cut em loose. I get my stat, they're happy they got a break. So have a good attitude and hopefully you'll get off.

Lawyers typically only plead you out and you can do that yourself for free. What I would do would be to go to court and explain to the judge what you were doing. "Just took the car out of hibernation and gave it a jolt of acceleration. I wasn't cruising at that speed, had just accelerated and gotten off it while there were no cars." Never know the judge might be cool about it.

Next time tell em you got a brother in law that works for Broward sheriff's Office in Deerfield Beach Fl. ;)
He speaks gospel here fellas. Granted, there are jerks in every profession (just look at your own), police officers aren't exceptions. Don't judge all of 'em (us) by the actions of a few. And, one must ask themselves who's fault it is when you're getting pulled over, yours or the cops.

I usually write "fix it tickets" unless the infraction was dangerous such as running red lights. Hate to say it in this thread but I write a lot of tinted window tickets. Keep the tint=pay a fine, remove the tint=no fine and bosses are happy.

PS. Girls (good looking or not) get no preferential treatment from me.
1) There is no harm in giving anyone a thrill in a cool car... if the conditions are right. Street racing with Jr. in the back seat is a no no. At least you'll have a story to tell him for 30+ years. :)

2) Women/girls don't get it easy when it comes to tickets. Amy (my lil' hottie) just got racked up on a decent 3-4 point ticket (37km/h over) for coasting down a hill to fast. At least when I get my speeding tickets... I am having fun. ;)

3) I lucked out on my last trip to court, the cop, the most notorious mutha F'er in the city (captain of the Anti-street race campaign) didn't show. I was looking at $220+ for no front plate and "improper muffler" on the SS. And I was just crusing out of the lot he told me to leave. :rolleyes:

Take care and groom that kid well... keep him strapped into the "booster seat". :)
Originally posted by Mr. T
1) 2) Women/girls don't get it easy when it comes to tickets. Amy (my lil' hottie) just got racked up on a decent 3-4 point ticket (37km/h over) for coasting down a hill to fast. At least when I get my speeding tickets... I am having fun. ;)

Maybe he was gay, who knows. I'm not saying every hot chick gets out of every ticket, but every point on the "hotness scale" is typically equal to at least one point on the leniancy scale for most hard leg cops. This is just my observation of the police around here, not "standard procedure" I'm sure.
Just think back 30 years. People were careening down the road in Pintos - Dusters etc. on bias ply tires, many with drum brakes at the same speeds. With their kids not strapped in a "safe" car seat, and that was normal! Granted, for safetys' sake there have been needed improvements,but... Good Luck on that ticket.
I'm not cop bashing, I've had friends that were cops before. The one's that have given me tickets weren't jerks, and I certainly wasn't. I don't feel bad about tickets, but I'm not cocky either. Haven't had a "warning" since I was in high school. Guess it doesn't work anyway. ;) I don't care about the tickets, as long as it doesn't start coming around on my insurance or being held against me. I'll pay to play, but I'm not going to feel bad about, since I'm not wreckless.
Originally posted by TT/A1233

PS. Girls (good looking or not) get no preferential treatment from me.

Here's the thing with hot chicks according to Ian:

If the chick is hot and deliberately flirts or shows cleavage to get out of the ticket, she's DEFINITELY getting the ticket. Two reasons: 1) I dont want her thinking she woo her way out of anything. 2) If I don't write her and later on says "Deputy Hunt pulled me over and said if I did such and such, I wouldn't get the ticket". If she has no ticket, it adds credibility to her story. If she got the ticket, it shows she's full of it. What cop would write a chick a ticket then flirt?

Some cops won't write hot chicks tickets cause they don't want them to get mad and try to come up with a BS complaint. Some girls'll do it. Surprising right? ;)

I pull over GNs and Monte SS alllll the time. NEVER write em tickets..just wanna make sure they're not stolen and enlighten them to and GNTType. :)
Originally posted by roz930
Just think back 30 years. People were careening down the road in Pintos - Dusters etc. on bias ply tires, many with drum brakes at the same speeds. With their kids not strapped in a "safe" car seat, and that was normal! Granted, for safetys' sake there have been needed improvements,but... Good Luck on that ticket.
Exactly! And remember the lazy steering boxes and oversteering suspensions. Also, Turbojimmy, I bet you, as all other car nuts, have an edge on auto condition/ function, etc. Say that about the welfare mothere with 2-5 kids in her car.
DUI's, speeding, etc are now big money to all levels of PD's. Even though miles driven VS deaths are the best they've ever been. Give me back the 70's-we dont even live in the same country. Growth is screwing up everything. :mad:
ha ha .. oh i have some stories.

coming back from cedar creek raceway in cedar creek tx (which is in BFE compared to dallas), im following my friend in a 93 z28... its 2-3am and NO ONE IS ON THE ROAD EXCEPT US...

he punches it and i say screw it, i dont wanna get a ticket..

a few minutes later all i can see are two tiny 4th gen f-body tail lights and seeing as im in BFE with no idea how to get home, i have to catch up... about 2 minutes of 15psi on the highway and i finally catch up to him.. no idea how fast i was going.. i slow back down to 10 over like the rest of the traffic we caught up to was going and everything was good right? wrong. some jerk-ass pulls up behind me and it looks like he was flashing his brights at me, but he is A FOOT AWAY FROM MY BUMPER so its really hard to tell... there is a car beside me so i cant get over immediately, usually i just get out of the way of tailgaters. i pass the car and switch lanes, and right as i do... red and blues, WTF.

he pulls me over, and my rear main leaks so the car is smoking a little bit.

"so uhh.. were you followin that firebird infront of you?"
"yes sir, i followed him out to the track and i dont know how to get home"
"yeah well.. i clocked him and i was after him but you wouldnt get out of my way so i pulled you over instead.. i was flashing my brights at you to move, dont you remember drivers ed"
"yes sir, i couldnt see your headlights though, you were pretty close to me"
"well tell your friend he should pay some of this, cause he should be the one getting a ticket... i clocked you at 90.. in this 65 zone"

blah blah blah.. he repeatedly said he clocked my friend at a little faster than me, and that my friend should be getting a ticket and not me since he was after my friend... but since he was tailgating my ass hardcore i wasnt even able to see his headlights.. and i did move over but he followed me instead of my friend which he "was really after" .. etc etc. whatever. i was as nice as could be, scared as **** be cause i knew it was gonna be expensive and most importantly how it was pointless for me to have gotten the ticket instead of my friend that he had clocked and was after.. i dont get it. he was one of the professional but sarcastic about it kind of cops.

it was only $151 cause it was in BFE, he was a state trooper too if it makes a diff. i used deferred adjudication(sp?) so it didnt go on my record..

the second ticket was in mesquite, tx on a road with a ridiculously low speed limit (30) for absolutely no reason, it goes from 45mph to 30mph for no freaking reason, it just does, needless to say i was picked out of a few cars, 2 women in accords or other boring cars like that.. 45 in a 30, did the same thing it ended up being like ~$150 again and didnt go on my record. one of those farking evil camaro cops.. he was a **** to me for no reason.

now my mom is dating a mesquite cop and hes cool as hell, gave me some stickers (mesquite police association, and something called CLEAT, something about safety in numbers) and said that any cop that ever pulls me over will ask me who i know and just be truthful and they will most likely let me off the hook.

i have *nothing* against cops, i have something against *******s, and it just happens that there is a correlation(sp) between the two more often than not in my area...

and one of the coolest buick guys i know is a cop, got rear ended real bad in his cruiser a lil bit ago and his back is all messed up from it. if you're readin this shawno hope you get better soon dude!
Originally posted by turbojimmy
Thanks for the replies....I feel a little better.

The court appearance is mandatory for anything more than 25 MPH over the limit - it's a local thing. My lawyer says not to sweat it. I'm not going to be able to beat it, but I can improve the situation.

I know a captain and a sergeant on the force, too (childhood friends who I haven't talked to in a while). Time to make a couple of phone calls.....

Go to court, plea it down. Hopefully knock a few points off. talk to the cop (providing he isnt a ****) and plain ASK him to plea it down. Take the ticket, acknowledge the mistake.
TTT after a long time!

Had my day in court today.

Plead down to unsafe driving and kept the failure to exhibit docs charge. Bottom line: $225 in fines, no (zero, zilch) points.

If anyone needs a good traffic lawyer in NJ, I got one :)


Always like hearing a story with a happy ending. Heck, no points, just a fine. Ya can't beat that!!

Good job.

"Next time tell em you got a brother in law that works for Broward sheriff's Office in Deerfield Beach Fl. "

That comment could be good for a "driving while mentally impaired charge"!!!!!
:D :D :D :p
I have been pulled over many, many times as my friends can attest.

I have run into nice cops and real jerks. The jerks were usually the state police. I have been nice to cops and not gotten tickets so it does work.

But, one time I got a ticket that I know I didn't deserve so whoever said above think about who's fault it is you are being pulled over, yours or the cops? I was 18 years old. I lived on a busy road. My house was at the top of a hill and around a bend so when pulling out of my driveway you couldn't see the cars coming up the hill til the hit the bend and they couldn't see us. I was leaving to go to my girldfriend's and it was dark out. My dad was outside moving his car cuz he was parked behind me. I was backing out of my driveway since I pulled in front first. I got to the end of my driveway and stopped. I saw headlights shining up the hill so I knew a car was coming. I stayed where I was, still on my driveway. My car was still in reverse so my reverse lights were on still. well the car came over the bend and all of a sudden locked up his brakes, I heard him down shift to help slow down, and he ended up going sideways. He was easliy doing 60 mph as they always did and it is a 30 mph zone. He got out and started yelling at me. He took my info and came out with a warning (cuz he knew he was wrong). He then started yelling at my dad and I had enough. I got in his face and yelled back at him because he was clearly wrong for speeding. My ticket was for failing to use caution in backing up. After I yelled at him he got back in his car and changed my warning to a ticket.

Me and my dad followed him to the state police barracks. He clearly radioed ahead to tell them we were coming becuase they wouldn't even talk to us when we got there. So I fought the ticket. In MA you first go in front of a magistrate (a job you get by knowing the right people) and if you lose you go in front of a judge and the cop who wrote the ticket is REQUIRED to be there or you win automatically. I lost the first round and appealed. I went to go in front of the judge and the cop didn't show so I won.

That was a case where I did not deserve a ticket at all. I got a ticket because the cop was wrong and he was trying to cover it up.

My father raced a lot of people when I was little. I liked it. I never had a seat belt on or anything. I don't think it is a big deal at all if you did it when the conditions warranted. Some people need to lighten up.