Gore Aids Chicks

Gore told the audience, "They were made to feel un-American and risked economic retaliation because of what was said. Our democracy has taken a hit," Gore said. "Our best protection is free and open debate."

So, they should be (and are) free to say what they want---at the National level, since they're entertainers---but we can't voice our opinion? We can't get on E! or any of that junk to voice our opinions like they can. One sided Gore, it wasn't a debate. TV is 1 way, not true communication. We have to voice how we can. In this case, many people have a negative opinion of the DC's. Can't get on tv to say this for "open debate", so fans chose not to spend their money on them. We are free to spend our money where we want, under no obligation to support someone because they're an entertainer. Shame on us? Please. It's like voting, but then Gore thinks you can debate around that too. (oops, didn't mean for that to slip out ;) )
I agre, Bill. It is our right to respond to her stupid statement. I respect her right to say stupid things, but she has to deal with the consequences. Oh yeah, and for the record, Gore is a moron.:D
Hypocritical logic = They can = You Cannot:rolleyes:

Bet when he was creatin' the internet he didn't forsee this being discussed on a TB site!
I bet he didn't foresee losing Tennessee either. Freakin' MORON he is.

And for those living in Tennessee, THANKS!!! :)

I wish I was in College again, I woulda been able to skip that lecture. :rolleyes:
So she steps on her tit and embarasses us all and we are supposed to forgive and forget. Blow me Gore.
Oh no...........Al "save a tree" Gore is back in the news. Will this freakin troll EVER go away???:( ;)
How was she able to take the pizza and the Hagen Dazs out of her mouth long enough to even make that statement?? :confused:
Gotta go buy the album...

I have to admit, I do like their music and what they've put out so far, but let's face it. They're in the entertainment business... granted, many entertainers are anti-war these days. But the segment they are in is crying out to be pro-Bush. So, in my opinion, they have a right to have their own opinion, but if they (really Natalie) expect their professional career to survive then they'll know when to keep their opinions to themselves and sing.

So, this is a case of open mouth, insert foot. I'm going to rush out and buy the latest CD "Home" because I have a funny feeling this may be their last. :)

As for Gore... I'm surprised he's not still on the floor of the voting station counting chads.. :)
Originally posted by hot6-231
Oh no...........Al "save a tree" Gore is back in the news. Will this freakin troll EVER go away???:( ;)
I've often wondered the same thing about his buddy Clinton. Gore is a moron.:D
Originally posted by Captain Mark
I agre, Bill. It is our right to respond to her stupid statement. I respect her right to say stupid things, but she has to deal with the consequences. Oh yeah, and for the record, Gore is a moron.:D

:D I agree also. But the DC's have the right of free speech, and to speak there opinion and I respect that, as does Mr Gore.

BUT we as the public can be heard and have. Here in the Houston area almost all the radio stations don't play the DC's any more and there record sales have fallen a long way from what they were, and as for Mr. Gore.....well he did not win the election.

Yes the public can be heard!!

Take Care
Originally posted by whitehot84
So she steps on her tit and embarasses us all and we are supposed to forgive and forget. Blow me Gore.

Ditto.. Oh, and gore is a moron if it hasnt been mentioned ;)
It's funny how not that long ago, Gore's wife Tipper wanted the GOVERNMENT to regulate what the those in music industry could say, in a CLEAR violation of the constitutional right to free speech.

"our democracy has taken a hit"


When is that guy going to just go away?

And to those that voted for him: Do you see what we were talking about, yet?
Originally posted by UNGN
It's funny how not that long ago, Gore's wife Tipper wanted the GOVERNMENT to regulate what the those in music industry could say, in a CLEAR violation of the constitutional right to free speech.

"our democracy has taken a hit"


When is that guy going to just go away?

And to those that voted for him: Do you see what we were talking about, yet?

Perfect explanation - thank you!
SalvageV6, you got something against people in TN ????
By the way I still listen to the Chicks
Originally posted by TD2593
SalvageV6, you got something against people in TN ????
By the way I still listen to the Chicks

He jealous they still don't have a state income tax.

If Gore's "home state" had voted for him, he'd be president of the US right now.

Salvage is thanking those in tennessee for seeing Al Gore for the phony is was, is and always will be.
If you have to explain them they ain't funny. ;)

I was thanking the TN voters who didn't vote for the MORON.

That would be most of the state. :)

If you happen to have voted for him then I guess I do have something against you. Not much now since he is very old news. History if you will..... :cool:

It's all good.... I still listen to Madonna too. :D