

New Member
Jul 18, 2009
Does anyone have any information on GNX#183? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!!!!!
One Eighty Three...

I will only tell you that it is pristine and no longer on the market. The Registry Details page on the GNXRegistry.ORG website will reflect the new state of residence during the next round of updates.

As an aside, despite the rumors of impending (or already occurring) collapse of prices, the high level collector cars-- including excellent, low mile examples of GNX's-- are finding their way into new hands at strong prices even now.

Of course, the bar is higher than it was in 2006 with buyers treading more carefully and expecting quality and no stories, but hard assets (and cheaply & easily insurable assets like cars) seem to be a preemptive safe haven for those anticipating the coming inflationary pressures (trillions of dollars being printed = more dollars chasing fewer goods = higher prices over time). The only difference is you can't take a bar of gold to a car show with your kid or light up the rear wheels once in a while... :)

Hope this helps!

Does anyone have any information on GNX#183? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!!!!!