GN Beanie

Sold. Please, no more interest. Thanks

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Justify $45 dollars...
Was it used by workers at the assembly plant? GM Engineers?
If's a black hat with a 3 dollar patch.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

LOL - perhaps it was worn by Mark Reuss whilst skiing in the French Alps.
Sold. Please, no more interest. Thanks

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

You see -now don't you guys feel silly?
It sold in less than a week.
And with no FleaBay fees.
That boys is a fine example of American capitalism at work.
Good work Kev.
I tip my beanie (If I had one - but you're sold out) - to you.
So, I shall tip my tin foil hat instead.
Well played sir!
Sold. Please, no more interest. Thanks

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app


Pay no nevermind to these haters.
They are actually decent guys.
We are all just bitter - since we really wanted Mary Kay Pink Mustangs, but had to settle for these shitty Buick Regals.
[quote="Heisenberg, :We are all just bitter - since we really wanted Mary Kay Pink Mustangs, but had to settle for these shitty Buick Regals.[/quote]

Actually I was hoping for a Mary Kay Pink Beanie!
[quote="Heisenberg, :We are all just bitter - since we really wanted Mary Kay Pink Mustangs, but had to settle for these shitty Buick Regals.

Actually I was hoping for a Mary Kay Pink Beanie![/quote]

Another one?
Put it on your Christmas list.
That's what I tell my kids - starting about in August.
Don't really care what was being sold but isn't there a rule to keep people from muddying for sale threads? I would think it would be enforced fairly and especially not participated in by a mod?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
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