GM alternator types and descriptions


New Member
May 25, 2001
I seem to recall finding, at one time, a good page that discussed the various types of alternators used by GM. I think I found it here as a matter of fact. For what ever reason I can not find it again. Any ideas or links out there?

What I am looking to do is find out what type of alternator is on my TTA so I can figure out on what types of cars to look for a replacement case. I want a spare case to detail. I thought it was a SI series but the more I look the less I see that is resembles a SI. I have also toyed with a conversion to a newer cs130. Unfortunalty I can not find one GOOD source. The stuff I have found thus far tends to be, well, patchy at best.



I think you got me 98% of where I needed to be. I have done the A/C delco search already so I have that list. I had not found a PIC of the CS-144, just the 130. Thus, as you could guess, I had not found a PIC that matched what I had.

My next step is trying to figure out what types of cars (year range, model, hi option?) has the 144. I am not as concerned with the exact A/C replacement as I would guess there are several vaiations based on clocking, exact amp, etc. Clocking is easy to fix. My understading is that amp rating is mainly determined by the stator, which I can borrow from my existing unit along with the regulator, etc....

I think what it will come down to is loking for late 80's early 90's V8 fbodies, Caddys, high option buick and olds cars till I just come accross it.

I've got an article both on my own web site and on the site with rebuilding instructions and pictures of a CS-144. You can find them on a variety of FWD cars; lots of Caddys and high option cars that needed the high output alternator.

Thanks, that just about does it for me!! I will try and sneek off and find a core soon then run through your procedue. I used the one from gnttype.ord 2 summers ago to go through my current unit so getting a little time to find the core should be the only hard part.

Thanks again!
